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GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

October 22, 2013 by goswami. Average Reading Time: almost 10 minutes.

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For my Disciples, Followers and Friends (particularly in Russia and Ukraine) My dandabat pranams, and where appropriate, my blessings, with love and affection. As I have been asked repeatedly, I am stating my positions regarding: Bharati Maharaja; Narayan Maharajas followers; using Gurus facilities to promote others; the origins of my preaching in Russia and Ukraine, and Srila Avadhut Maharaja as the Acharya of the Russian mission (Russian speaking countries). BHARATI MAHARAJA

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

Unfortunately I cannot forget the last words I heard from the lotus mouth of Srila Gurudeva regarding Bharati Maharaja, I do not want to see his face; I do not want to hear his name. In response to Srila Gurudevas offering him the seva of acquiring a new Math in London, he solicited Srila Gurudeva, How much money are you prepared to give? Eighty; one hundred thousand U.S. dollars? Srila Gurudeva was shocked; insulted by his insolence. He looked over to me, Maharaja, what is this! For those who propose to promote his face and name, may God help you (but I dont think He will). I am reminded of Srila Gurudeva once saying, You are telling it is Father Krishna but I am thinking it is Ma Kali. If someone wants to preach independently, I have no objection, but not as a parasite of the preaching of Avadhut Maharaja and his dedicated followers. To criticize him and then suck his blood is hypocrisy. Bharati Maharaja has shown expertise in converting Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math devotees into his factory workers but no such deftness at converting his employees into devotees. Still, I wish him all success in his sincere endeavors. Consistent with the statement above, one might say, to his credit, after the disappearance of His Divine Grace, Bharati Maharaja paid half the cost of the new London Math. But sadly, ignoring the order of Srila Gurudeva to pay the full amount, thereby rescinding all previous sanctions.

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

All things considered, I maintain a special appreciation for his singlehandedly throwing out Narayan Maharaja and his followers from Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math. That took mah.-gulik.m. Srila Govinda Maharaja remarked, What we should have done years ago, Bharati Maharaja has done. Regarding his modus operandi, that is a matter I decline to discuss. FOLLOWERS OF B.V. NARAYAN MAHARAJA | SEVA OF SRI GURU As for those who in ignorance naively court the followers of Narayan Maharaja, inviting them to fish in our pond (a preaching pavilion created by Avadhut Maharaja): This is ill-advised and spiritually illegal. Our singular purpose is to extend the unparalleled conceptions of Srila Guru Maharaja and Srila Gurudevas glorious service to him. Srila Guru Maharaja said to allow the facilities of Sri Guru to be used in the service of others is like offering your wife for prostitution.

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

Their so-called guru is the man of whom Srila Guru Maharaja said, In so many things I differ with them; and I told them so but they are angry with me. And in the presence of Srila Gurudeva, Srila Guru Maharaja told me about this fellow, He became angry with me and abused me in a very nasty way, therefore I withdrew all connection. Abused the Rupanuga Dhara; The One Carrying the Current of the Line of Sri Rupa, our beloved Srila Guru Maharaja. On the very day Srila Guru Maharaja left the world, that afternoon the postman delivered an ugly letter from Narayan Maharaja criticizing Srila Guru Maharaja. The coup de grce for Srila Govinda Maharaja; he would later refer to him as an infectious disease. Why are his followers coming to our programs? We are abusing their guru. Lastly, regarding his innumerable offenses (aparadha; against Sri Radha and her proxy Srila Sridhar Maharaja) Srila Govinda Maharaja opined, He will not be a Vaishnava in a thousand lifetimes. The inhabitants of hell will be afraid to see his face, and they will have to create a new kind of hell to accommodate him. PREACHING IN RUSSIA AND UKRAINE

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

I first entered Russia and the Ukraine in 1978. Before that I was preaching extensively in Eastern Europe. My then partner and I received this letter from His Divine Grace, Srila Prabhupada (written by his secretary): I have been instructed by His Divine Grace Srila Prabhupada to thank you for your report dated 11th July, 1977 about your preaching in the Communist countries Srila Prabhupada has expressed His great pleasure at the preaching going on in the Eastern European Communist Countries. Now that your report has come Srila Prabhupada considers it the high point in all preaching. His Divine Grace said, Your preaching is more successful that all other countries. Krishna is giving us all encouragement. I am very much grateful to both of you. My Guru Maharaja was so anxious for some books to be printed and distributed. Now because of your assisting me, my Guru Maharaja is so much pleased. Therefore I am very much indebted to you both.

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

By causeless good fortune, I am a direct disciple of Srila Prabhupada and a grand-disciple of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Srila Prabhupada very much appreciated my preaching in Communist countries, as well as distributing his books and preaching to the intelligentsia, university professors and academics. In his final days in 1977 he wrote the above letter acknowledging that our preaching was giving him life and assisting in his divine service to the lotus feet of his guru; further indicating the approval and pleasure of Srila Saraswati Thakur. And as Srila Guru Maharaja revealed to me in our first meeting: The cloud of atheism hanging over the Soviet Union lifted after Srila Swami Maharaja blessed Mother Russia with the touch of his holy lotus feet. Now you can preach there successfully. I am humbly trying to continue under the influence of this divine conception. SRILA AVADHUT MAHARAJA | ACHARYA OF RUSSIA

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

It is undeniable that Srila Govinda Maharaja clearly and publicly declared, Srila Acharya Maharaja as the next acharya of this Math, Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip, and Indian group. [1] However, no one should think this somehow cancels Srila Avadhut Maharaja and the other Acharyas. Equally clear is his expressed will and desire that Srila Avadhut Maharaja be the Acharya of Russian speaking countries; Russia and Ukraine included. Please note the following with renewed emphasis: The devotees of Russia (and Russian speaking countries like Ukraine) shall follow Sripad Avadhut Maharaj completely. If one hundred per cent is not possible, at least all concerned will respect and regard him, because Sripad Bhakti Bimal Avadhut Maharaj has taken leading role in the propagation in Russia since the beginning. I want to see Sripad Avadhut Maharaj as the Acharya in Russia. I shall be pleased if everyone in Russia abides by Avadhut Maharaj and becomes loyal to him. Last Will and Testament | Srila Govinda Maharaja Avadhut Maharajhe will do wrong or right, but he is fully dedicated, then they will follow Avadhut, as he wants; that will be devotion. Because Russian Mission, 10,000 almost, has grown by his service, and still going on, expanding into Ukraine Srila Govinda Maharaja

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

Actually, Avadhut Maharaja is much more openminded and accommodating than I. He possesses an unlimited tolerance in dealing with others for seva. He personifies vaikuntha vrtti (liberal distribution; access without restriction). And as Srila Gurudeva approvingly observed, a mysterious power works on his behalf. Things have reached a point where I need to make my position crystal clear to my disciples, followers and friends: I will not tolerate the abuse of such a sincere, extraordinary, and dear Super-Servitor of Srila Gurudeva, Srila Guru Maharaja and Srila Prabhupada, and my Param Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Saraswati Thakur. Unless and until you offer yourself in service to Saraswati Thakurs servants servants servant, you are living in delusion. If, for whatever reason, you cannot serve alongside, then a safe position is to offer your dandabats from afar. [1] Mahananda Prabhu: Maharaja, worldwide the question is regarding Acharya Maharaja as the acharya: you have selected Acharya Maharaja as the next acharya of this Math [Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, Nabadwip] . Devotees are also asking, does that mean that all devotees, in all countries will be going to him for initiation? But I think that clearly you have indicated that is not the case. He is acharya of Chaitanya Saraswat Math and Indian

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

Srila Govinda Maharaja: Group. [Indian Group] Conversation | Srila Gurudeva and his Secretary, Mahananda Prabhu re: Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math Acharyas and Initiation January 9, 2010 | Kolkata Sevak Bhavan Veranda of His Divine Grace [2] re: Srila Avadhut Maharaja (Remember: I wrote this from my heart.) Dearest Disciples, Devotees and Friends, My dandabat pranams to one and all. I wish to express my deep appreciation to all of my disciples, followers and friends who have sent their heartfelt well-wishes and praise. I am humbled, honoured and moved by what you have expressed. I know that although I am an extremely fallen soul, you are giving your regard to me for the reflected substance of our Divine Masters: Srila Govinda Maharaja, Srila Sridhar Maharaja and Srila Swami Maharaja Prabhupada. For the glory of our Guru Varga I send it upward as an offering to their Holy Lotus Feet.

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

I am so fortunate to have the association of you all, and the privilege to serve by your side. I am particularly indebted to Srila Bhakti Bimal Avadhut Maharaja (as we all are). He is a seva dynamo! You will not find a better friend in this world, than one who gives you innumerable service opportunities. This is the goal of all aspiring servitors. He repeatedly sets the stage through a concerted effort and much genius, and humbly asks me to take the podium. We are all witness to, and participants in, the miracle that is the preaching of Srila Avadhut Maharaja. He is divinely gifted with an extraordinary capacity. As Srila Gurudeva so aptly observed, a mysterious power works on his behalf. Krishna likes to serve His pure devotees. It remains the desire of Srila Govinda Maharaja that I serve alongside Srila Avadhut Maharaja. I also serve under his direction. I worship the day, that by His Divine Will, Srila Gurudeva brought us together. It is our eternal good fortune that His Divine Graces every word and wish must come true (satya-vak). His well-wishes for us are beyond what we can fully conceive. Our present good fortune, realized in service and association, heralds an inconceivably bright and wonderful future. In service to the Holy Lotus Feet, of Sri Sri Guru Gauranga, Radha Govinda and Their Servitors, we shall certainly always remain connected. Once again, with my love and affection for you all,

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

I remain your aspiring servant (dasoshmi). Bhakti Sudhir Goswami Vrindavan | Seva Kunj Karttik | Krishna-panchami N.B. satya! br"y#t priya! br"y#t na br"y#t satyam-apriya! priya! ca n#n$ta! br"y#t e%a dharmas-san#tana& Tell truth; tell pleasing; never tell truth which is not pleasing; neither you will talk what is pleasing but not true. This is the real conception of sanatan dharma. Unnecessarily do not give pain to any person; that is the underlying principle. Srila Guru Maharaja I am very conscious of this admonition. Some of the words I have expressed are unhappy truth. But it has been said that sadhu is one who cuts sharply with sometimes unpleasant language. As a surgeon is our friend when he cuts out a cancer. tato du&sa'gam uts$jya satsu sajjeta buddhim#n santa ev#sya chindanti mano-vy#sa'gam uktibhi&

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12/8/13 7:06 AM

GoswamiBlog For My Disciples | Bhakti Sudhir Goswami

The intelligent give up bad association and associate with sadhus. Their words cut our attachment to acquired prejudice. Srimad Bhagavatam 11.26.26 Still, it should be understood that what I have written to you is exclusively my opinion. Srila Avadhut Maharaja is the Acharya of the Russian mission of Sri Chaitanya Saraswat Math, and may be consulted for his own nuanced position.

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