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Chicken & Summer Vegetable Tostadas


2 teaspoons canola oil 1 teaspoon ground cumin 1/4 teaspoon kosher salt 1/4 teaspoon black pepper 12 ounces chicken breast tenders 1 cup chopped red onion (about 1) 1 cup fresh corn kernels (about 2 ears) 1 cup chopped zucchini 1/2 cup salsa verde 3 tablespoons chopped fresh cilantro, divided 4 (8 inch) fat free flour tortillas !ooking spra" 3 ounces #ontere" $ack cheese, shredded (about 3/4 cup)

1% 2% &reheat broiler% !ombine first 3 ingredients, stirring 'ell% (eat oil in a large nonstick skillet over medium high heat% )prinkle the spice mi*ture evenl" over chicken% +dd chicken to pan, saut- for 3 minutes% +dd onion, corn, and zucchini to pan, saut- for 2 minutes or until chicken is done% )tir in salsa and 2 tablespoons cilantro% !ook 2 minutes or until li.uid almost evaporates, stirring fre.uentl"%


/orking 'ith 2 tortillas at a time, arrange tortillas in a single la"er on a baking sheet, lightl" coat tortillas 'ith cooking spra"% 0roil 3 minutes or until lightl" bro'ned% )poon about 3/4 cup chicken mi*ture in the center of each tortilla, sprinkle each serving 'ith 1/4 cup cheese% 0roil an additional 2 minutes or until cheese melts% 1epeat procedure 'ith remaining tortillas, chicken mi*ture, and cheese% )prinkle each serving 'ith about 3/4 teaspoon of remaining cilantro% )erve immediatel"%

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