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Student: ______________________

Created Insect Rubric

Category Neatness and Organization Wow! 4 Created insect and parts are easily recognized. Drawing and sentences are in correct location. Content Accuracy Written responses understanding of science concepts and proper vocabulary use. Required Elements required parts. (Head, Thorax, Abdomen, 6 legs and an exoskeleton) Illustrations Illustrations are clear and accurate. Comments: Illustrations are mostly clear and accurate. Some illustrations are clear and accurate. Illustrations are sloppy/unclear or missing. Created insect has all demonstrate an Good. 3
Created insect and parts are somewhat recognizable. Drawing and sentences are in correct location.

Almost. 2 Created insect and parts are hardly recognizable. Drawing and sentences arent in correct location. Written responses understanding of science concepts and proper vocabulary use. required parts. 3 or 4 or missing. Created insect has a few demonstrate a limited

Poor. 1 Created insect and parts arent recognizable and drawing and sentences arent in correct location. Written responses demonstrate an inaccurate understanding of science concepts and proper vocabulary use. Created insect has no required parts.

Points Earned

Written responses understanding of some science concepts and proper vocabulary use. required parts. Only one or two are missing. Created insect has most demonstrate an

Total: _____/16


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