Bertemu Dng4nmu 4d4l4h T4kd!r.menj4d! S4h4b4tmu 4d4l4h p!l!! J4tuh c!nt4 P4d4mu !tu Sungguh D! Lu4r Kend4l!ku.

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I am an engineer, but what i find important and necessary is that you just learn things as you go along.

Saya seorang insinyur, tapi apa yang saya temukan penting dan diperlukan adalah bahwa Anda hanya belajar hal-hal sebagai Anda pergi bersama.

Architectural and building construction engineering Rekayasa konstruksi arsitektur dan bangunan

meeting you was fate becoming your friend was choice but falling in love with you was really out of my hands .. bertemu dng4nmu 4d4l4h t4kd!r.menj4d! s4h4b4tmu 4d4l4h p!l!! j4tuh c!nt4 p4d4mu !tu sungguh d! lu4r kend4l!ku..

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