Lakeview 5th Grade Lesson 5 0 Showcase

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Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Teacher Candidate: Kevin Baggett Subject/Grade: Music/5th Learning Objective:

Lesson # 5 Date and Time of Lesson: 8:00 am

Objective 1 The students will be able to play the note E on their recorders at forty percent correctness and be able to play the first four measures of Its Raining at fifty percent correctness.

Alignment with Standards: National Standard 2. Performing on instruments, alone and with others, a varied repertoire of music. SC Curriculum Standard Standard 1. The student will sing and perform on instruments a variety of music, alone and with others. SC Academic Indicator MGH1-1.4. Demonstrate proper technique and appropriate posture when playing instruments alone and in a variety of ensembles. Developmental Appropriateness or Cross-curricular connections: Students need to know how to play the notes G and A on their recorders. Assessment(s) of the Objectives:
What assessment(s) will you use to determine student learning (pre, during, post)? Each objective should be aligned with an assessment. Lesson Objective(s) Assessment(s) of the Objective(s) Pre I will review all the notes they have learned on their recorders so far to evaluate how much time me need to spend on the new note of E. During I will watch and listen to see if students are playing the note E correctly and adjust them accordingly. Post I will have the students play the first four measures of Its Raining to see how well they have learned the new note and to see how well they can change positions between each of the notes. Use of Formative Assessment I used the pre- assessment to determine the amount I will need work on the new note of E. The during- assessment to watch and listen to see if students are playing the new note correctly. The post- assessment was used to evaluate if students are able to play E correctly in the context of a piece of music and to see if they can change fingering positions faster with a much more complex note.

The students will be able to play the note E on their recorders at forty percent correctness and be able to play the first four measures of Its Raining at fifty percent correctness.

I will spend more time working on the new note if students struggle with fingering and playing it.

Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template

Rev. 2013

Materials: Smart Board, Recorders, Its Raining Procedures:

1. I will begin by review all the notes the students have learned thus far. I will put up a blank recorder on the Smart Board for the students to fill in the holes with correct note names. 2. After completing this exercise I will have show the students how to finger the note E. I will spend a good amount of time on this since students will need their other hand to play the note E. 3. When most students are able to play the note E at forty percent correctness, I will introduce the piece Its Raining. 4. I will first demonstrate how the piece sounds by playing it myself and having the students finger along. 5. Next I will have the students play as a class, just the first four measures. We will slowly work on these first four measures and if students seem to understand it we will move on to the next four measures. 6. The last thing I will do is after we have worked as a class I will have students volunteer to play the piece on their own.

Activity Analysis: (must show use of TWS 1 data)

I plan on doing a exercise that has students fill in the right holes for the right note name. Instead of me just telling them this helps the students critically think and helps them review. For the second activity I plan on having the students play the piece Its Raining. This has lots of note changes between the notes G to E and E to A. These are not easy to do and this piece will help the students accomplish those changes and will help them get in the habit of using both of their hands to play the recorder.

Leonard, H. (2008). Spotlight on Music Grade 4. New York: Macmillan/McGraw-Hill

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