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Lesson plan Mathematics- Addition

By: Anouchka Roach, Jerresia Hughes and Eulah Bartlette

Lesson Plan Assure Model

Subject: Mathematics Topic: Addition Subtopic: Sets Grade: Kindergarten Age Group: 4 to 5 years Time: 20 minutes Date: 21st November 2013

This lesson is prepared for students in kindergarten. This class has a population of 12 students. There are 6 boys and 6 girls in the class. All students are black American. The students generally enjoy Mathematics. 50% of the class maintains an average above 50%. Learning styles in this class vary from audio to visual and also kinetic. Students have difficulty maintaining focus during class. In order to overcome this issue lessons must be tailored to accommodate the students attention span.

Selected Media, Materials and Methods

Projector: The teacher will use the projector to allow the students to view a clip showing addition. Speakers: With the aid of speakers the students will be able to hear the clip clearly. The speakers will enhance their learning experience Markers: This will be used to write on the whiteboard. Whiteboard: Each steps identified will be highlighted on the white board and also give examples by using various pictures.

Computer: A computer will be used to run slides on the overhead projector and to do an online activity. Headphones: With the aid of headphones the students will be able to hear the activity clearly Pictures- Will be used to make the sets on white boards Utilize Media and Material Preview the Materials The teacher will listen to the clip and online activity ensuring that is working and the audio is clear. The teacher will also ensure that the speakers and headphones are working as well. The teacher will test the overhead projector and the computer ensuring their compatibility.

Prepare the Materials

The teacher will setup the computer and overhead projector before the class. These pieces of equipment will then be turned on and tested.

Prepare the Environment

The seating will be arranged so that all students will have a clear view of the projection. Speakers will be place in an area where all the students will be able to hear the slides clearly. Then arrange computers for students individually.

Provide the Learning Experience

The students will be placed into groups where they will view and listen to the clip. The clip will be used to introduce the topic they will then be asked to identify the addition sign and equal sign. The teacher will write the signs on the white board and also give a variety of examples. Student will be set on computers to do an online addition activity. Students will then be given a worksheet to complete. . The teacher will supervise and move around the classroom providing assistance the white board will also be used to provide further explanation to students experiencing difficulty. Require Learner Participation Students will complete the worksheet. Students will discuss amongst themselves and use hands on items to the sums on the worksheet. Evaluate and Revise Addition games.

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