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Critical Analysis The legal drinking age has been a controversy for years. Some believe that the drinking age in America should stay at 21 because it is the safest age. Having the legal drinking age at 21 prevents car accidents related to alcohol from happening. This legal drinking age is the age at which most people are old enough to accept the responsibilities for their actions while they are drinking. Others believe that lowering the drinking age to 18 is a better route to take. They believe that lowering the drinking age would make more sense because if someone is old enough to join the military and old enough to vote, then they should be able to drink. If someone is legally an adult at age 18, they should legally be able to drink. The legal drinking age of 18 is the law in many countries and it seems to be working fine for them. There are less car accidents and deaths related to alcohol because people are exposed to alcohol at a younger age and are therefore more responsible when drinking. In the article, Will Increasing Alcohol Availability by Lowering the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Decrease Drinking and Related Accidents, both sides of the argument are discussed. In the article, many points for lowering the drinking age are valid and they are done in a way that withstood critical analysis exceedingly well. This article withstood critical analysis the best because it withstood the CRAAP test. The information was current, relevant, and accurate, it had authority as well as a purpose. It was not biased and showed both sides of the argument. There was just one example of begging the question as well as a few examples of equivocation where they would state a something but would not explain it. The article had valid points that were very well presented. It was not all based on opinion but rather facts with evidence. I believe this because statistics were present in the article as well as researched information to prove the points and to make them valid. After completing the project, I did not change my position on the legal drinking age. All the articles


that were used in the project, particularly this one, helped to validate my point and opinion on the issue. The article, Will Increasing Alcohol Availability by Lowering the Minimum Legal Drinking Age Decrease Drinking and Related Accidents best withstood critical analysis. As well as helped to validate my position on the issue. It withstood the CRAAP test as well as the critical analysis questions that were asked such as what does that word really mean, and what exactly is the author trying to say. There were very few logical fallacies which also helped the article withstand critical analysis. The article was not biased and had valid points supported by statistics and research. The way that the points were presented is what helped the article to withstand the critical analysis exceedingly well.

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