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Margaret Armstrong Childs Name: Tudor Dates of Observation: 10/15/13, 10/24/13, 11/12/13 Content Area: English/Language Arts Core

Standard 1: Responds to sounds in the environment Demonstrates awareness of sounds Rate: 1: Responds to sounds in the environment Criteria: Alerts to facial expression changes and locates sounds in the environment (e.g. primary caregiver voice, pet, door bell), and finds hidden sound directly above and behind Date: 10/24/13

On October 24th, Tudor demonstrated that he responds to sounds in the environment when he played with a piano toy. He used the bone-shaped mallet to strike the different colored and pitched keys. This photograph was taken when another teacher said Tudors name, and Tudor looked at her with an alert and altered facial expression of surprise and curiosity.

Demonstrates awareness of symbols Rate: No Evidence Criteria: Tudor does not meet the rate of 1: Responds to familiar pictures. He does not meet the criteria for that category: reacts to pictures of familiar people, reacts to recognizable features in print, finds named pictures of textures in book, points to pictures in a book, makes sounds elated to pictures to demonstrate an understanding of the picture, and makes sounds related to picture to demonstrate an understanding of the picture. Date: 10/24/13 Core Standard 2 & 3: Reading Informational and Literary Text Uses print for pleasure and information Rate: 1: Engages with a book Criteria: Looks at picture with interest, explores a book, and jointly attends to pictures in books for several minutes. Date: 11/12/13

On November 12th, Tudor explored the book Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear? by Bill Martin Jr. and Eric Carle. Tudor looked at the pictures with interest, flipped the pages of the book himself, and was engaged with the book for four minutes.

Comprehends details, events and main ideas Rate: No Evidence Criteria: Tudor does not meet the rate of 1: Reacts to a story or event. He does not meet the criteria of anticipates actions, sounds, phrases from a predictable game or story; reacts to new situations based on the memory of a previous event, selects a book based on familiarity, and listens with interest to stories read aloud. Date: 11/12/13 Core Standard 4 & 5: Writing Informal and Literary Text Writing for a specific purpose and audience Rate: No Evidence Criteria: Tudor does not meet the rate of 1: Intentionally makes marks or scribbles with the criteria of uses fingers to make marks in substances and attempts to write and draw. Date: 10/24/13 Core Standard 6: English Language Conventions Uses writing implements Rate: No Evidence Criteria: Tudor does not meet the rate of 1: Grasps writing tools. He does not meet the criteria of holds writing tool in any way or attempts to makes marks with writing tools. Date: 11/12/13

Core Standard 7: Listening and Speaking Demonstrates Receptive Language Rate: 1- Responds to the cues in the environment Criteria: actively attends to things that an adult is showing, recognizes others, responds to the arrival of a familiar person, watches speakers face when spoken to, and responds to familiar voices and noises (e.g. smiling, stopping to cry). Date: 10/15/13

Demonstrates Expressive Language Rate: No Evidence Criteria: Tudor does not meet the rating of 1: Uses gestures or sounds to communicate. He does not meet the criteria for this rating: uses single words, signs, symbols or gestures to communicate; participates in back and forth vocal play, imitates one-word vocalizations/signs such as more all gone mine, uses consonant-vowel combinations that may sound like real words, varies pitch, length, and volume of vocalizations to express wants and needs, and produces vocalizations iwht correct inflection of questions and exclamations. Date:10/24/13

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