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Margaret Armstrong Childs Name: Tudor Dates of Observation: 11/12/2013 Content Area: Personal Care Core Standard 1: Oral

Rate: 2- Swallows pured or lumpy food Criteria: Coordinates sucking, swallowing, breathing; closes lips when swallows, and accepts pured or lumpy food from spoon and swallows. Date: 11/12/2013

On November 12th, Tudor ate a biscuit that was broken up into small pieces. He coordinated chewing and swallowing, and he closed his lips when swallowing. During the previous snack on this day, Tudor accepted pured baby food from a spoon and swallowed.

Core Standard 2: Self-Feeding Rate: 2- Assists in feeding self Criteria: Cooperates with feeding, drinks from cup with assistance, grasps eating utensils, uses sippy cup or alternate closed cup, and uses fingers to eat small pieces of food. Date: 11/12/2013

On November 12th, Tudor used his fingers to eat small pieces of a biscuit. Tudor fed himself successfully and ate his entire portion. He used a sippy cup with this snack, however, most of the water ended up on the floor or the table because he banged the cup on the table repeatedly.

Core Standard 3: Dressing/Undressing Rate: No Evidence Criteria: Tudor does not yet achieve the rate of cooperates in dressing/undressing. He does not hold up arm or leg to dress, allows caregiver to dress and undress her, or extends neck when clothing pulled over head. Date. 11/12/13 Core Standard 4: Care of hands, face, nose Rate: No Evidence Criteria: Tudor is not at the rate of 1: Cooperates in personal care routines. He does not meet the criteria of cooperates in washing and drying hands, cooperates in washing and drying face, allows nose to be wiped, and dries palms. Date: 11/12/13 Core Standard 5: Toileting Rate: No Evidence Criteria: Tudor is not at the rate of 1: Demonstrates awareness. He does not reach the criteria of indicates awareness of soiled diaper and cooperates with being placed on toilet. Date: 11/12/13

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