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Monlogo Podras empezar con una declaracin de venganza contra las tres mujeres que te traicionaron delatndote y la promesa

de su destruccinDespus seguir con una invocacin a satan y despus una invocacin de destruccinmira, aqu te dejo algunas cosas MA !"#A$!%& 'elas, tela negra para el vestido, cliz, cuc(illo, vino o algo rojo para que tomes del cliz) Mesa para el altar, un li*ro para (acer de li*ro de magia, si quieres)

INVOCATION TO SATAN In nomine Dei nostri Satanas Luciferi excelsit In the name of Satan, the Ruler of the earth, the King of the world, I command the forces of Darkness to estow their Infernal !ower u!on me " O!en wide the gates of #ell and come forth from the a $ss to greet me as $our rother %sister& and friend " 'rant me the indulgences of which I s!eak " I ha(e taken th$ name as a !art of m$self " I li(e as the easts of the field, re)oicing in the flesh$ life " I fa(our the )ust and curse the rotten " *$ all the 'ods of the +it, I command that these things of which I s!eak shall come to !ass " Come forth and answer $our names $ manifesting m$ desires "

#+',-A #,+ !MP$,.!D ,/A"D% 0! -,+12"A #,+ ,3 D!% "2- #,+ 4!0,$D5 (e mig(ty voices o6 my vengeance smas( t(e stillness o6 t(e air and stand as monolit(s o6 7rat( upon a plain o6 7rit(ing serpents) # am *ecome as a monstrous mac(ine o6 anni(ilation to t(e 6estering 6ragments o6 t(e *ody o6 (e 8s(e9 7(o 7ould detain me) #t repentet( me not t(at my summons dot( ride upon t(e *lasting 7inds 7(ic( multiply t(e sting o6 my *itterness: And great *lac; slimy s(apes s(all rise 6rom *rac;is( pits and vomit 6ort( t(eir pustulence into (is 8(er9 puny *rain)

# call upon t(e messengers o6 doom to slas( 7it( grim delig(t t(is victim # (at( c(osen) %ilent is t(at voiceless *ird t(at 6eeds upon t(e *rain<pulp o6 (im 8(er9 7(o (at( tormented me, and t(e agony o6 t(e is to *e s(all sustain itsel6 in s(rie;s o6 pain, only to serve as signals o6 7arning to t(ose 7(o 7ould resent my *eing) ,( come 6ort( in t(e name o6 A*addon and destroy (im 8(er9 7(ose name # givet( as a sign) ,( great *rot(ers o6 t(e nig(t, t(ou 7(o ma;est my place o6 com6ort, 7(o ridet( out upon t(e (ot 7inds o6 0ell, 7(o d7ellet( in t(e devil=s 6ane: Move and appear5 Present yourselves to (im 8(er9 7(o sustainet( t(e rottenness o6 t(e mind t(at moves t(e gi**ering mout( t(at moc;s t(e just and strong5: rend t(at gaggling tongue and close (is 8(er9 t(roat, ,( >ali5 Pierce (is 8(er9 lungs 7it( t(e stings o6 scorpions, ,( %e;(met5 Plunge (is 8(er9 su*stance into t(e dismal void, ,( mig(ty Dagon5 # t(rust alo6t t(e *i6id *ar* o6 0ell and on its tines resplendently impaled my sacri6ice t(roug( vengeance rests5 %(em(am6oras(5 0ail %atan5

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