Amity School of Engineering & Technology B. Tech (MAE), V Semester BTM 505: Microprocessor Systems Assignment 1

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Amity School of Engineering & Technology B.

Tech (MAE), V Semester BTM 505: Microprocessor Systems Assignment

Q.1. Explain the operation of 8085 signals: READY, S1 & S0, H !D & H!DA An" A!E. Q#. Explain the p$rpose of the follo%ing signals of 8085: AD0&AD', (RESE) *+, RESE) ,), an" RS) '.5. Q-. Explain the s.he/ati. %hi.h "e.o"es * ((0, (RD, (1R into t%o a.ti2e lo% signals (0ERD, (0E1R, (* RD an" (* 1R. Q3. Explain the f$n.tions of follo%ing 8085 registers in *ntel 8085: H!, S)A45 6 *+)ER an" 7!A8 RE8*S)ER. Q5. Dra% op.o"es fet.h /a.hine .9.le, /e/or9 %rite /a.hine .9.le an" *( rea" 0a.hine .9.le an" explain.

Q.: 1hat is a sta.;< n %hat prin.iple it %or;s< *s it ne.essar9 to initiali=e sta.; 6ointer %hile %riting progra/< Explain %ith exa/ple. Q.' 1rite a 8085 asse/>l9 lang$age progra/ to generate a "ela9 of 0.1 se. for the gi2en .r9stal fre?$en.9 of # 0H=.

+ )E: @ !ast "ate to s$>/it it: !"#A$g$st#!0 % @ ,se >oth si"e of A3 sheet or /a9 $se 4lass/ate note >oo; @ 6repare for ?$estionnaire %hat 9o$ ha2e ans%ere" @ Assign/ent /$st >e s$>/it in person(in"i2i"$all9

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