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Why do you worry without cause? Whom do you fear without reaso ? Who ca !i"" you? The sou" is either #or $ or does it die% Whate&er ha''e ed$ ha''e ed for the (ood) whate&er is ha''e i ($ is ha''e i ( for the (ood) whate&er wi"" ha''e $ wi"" a"so ha''e for the (ood o "y%

*ou eed ot ha&e a y re(rets for the 'ast% *ou eed ot worry for the future% The 'rese t is ha''e i (%%% What did you "ose that you cry a#out? What did you #ri ( with you$ which you thi ! you ha&e "ost?

What did you 'roduce$ which you thi ! (ot destroyed? *ou did ot #ri ( a ythi ($ whate&er you ha&e$ you recei&ed from here% Whate&er you ha&e (i&e $ you ha&e (i&e o "y here% Whate&er you too!$ you too! from God% Whate&er you (a&e$ you (a&e to Him% *ou came em'ty ha ded$ you wi"" "ea&e em'ty ha ded%

What is yours today$ #e"o (ed to someo e e"se yesterday$ a d wi"" #e"o ( to someo e e"se the day after tomorrow% *ou are mista!e "y e +oyi ( the thou(ht that this is yours% It is this fa"se ha''i ess that is the cause of your sorrows%

,ha (e is the "aw of the u i&erse% What you thi ! of as death$ is i deed "ife% I o e i sta ce you ca #e a mi""io aire$ a d i the other i sta ce you ca #e stee'ed i 'o&erty%

*ours a d mi e$ #i( - sma"" erase these ideas from your mi d% The e&erythi ( is yours a d you #e"o ( to e&eryo e% This #ody is ot yours$ either are you of the #ody% The #ody is made of fire$ water$ air$ earth a d ether$ a d wi"" disa''ear i to these e"eme ts% But the sou" is 'erma e t . so who are you?

Dedicate your #ei ( to God% He is the o e to #e u"timate"y re"ied u'o % Those who ! ow of his su''ort are fore&er free from fear$ worry a d sorrow% Whate&er you do$ do it as a dedicatio to God% This wi"" #ri ( you the treme dous e/'erie ce of +oy a d "ife.freedom fore&er%

Tha !s for 0eadi ( a d Ho est"y Tryi ( to Im'"eme t the same$1 i your Day to Day Life%
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