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Neundorfer 1. The engineering problem addressed by Neundorfer is to improve existing filtration systems. The process is driven by environmental regulations.

Name two strategies, which were mentioned during our Q&A sessions, that Neundorfer uses to decrease electrical use or improve environmental effects of these systems. I remember the picture of them saving trees and the talk about saving rainforests. I know they go to other companies to get them to use Neundorfer eco-friendly systems, too. I think reuse and repairs, rather than replacement were big. 2. Maintenance of the baghouse filter bags was necessary due to exposure to sulfuric acid, temperature, abrasion, mechanical fatigue, etc. a) What material are most bags mad from? Cotton b) What material coatings are used to reduce damage? Silicone coatings? At least, thats one type of coating used to reduce damage. 2. What are a few materials-related considerations when designing the custom RVs? Will the materials function properly, but still be accommodating and according to the customers specifications.

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