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chrlsLlnakle1017[ ! 832-377-3676

1o obLaln a poslLlon as an early chlldhood Leacher LhaL wlll uLlllze my dedlcaLlon Lo provldlng
a safe and poslLlve learnlng envlronmenL Lo help chlldren develop and meeL Lhelr
educaLlonal needs.

unlverslLy of PousLon - PousLon, 1x
8achelor of Sclence ln 1eachlng and Learnlng
CraduaLlon: uecember 2013

edagogy and rofesslonal 8esponslblllLles (8) LC-12 ASSLu
1LxLS CenerallsL LC-6 ASSLu

0/5!916: /;</71/6!/
Lamkln LlemenLary, Cypress lalrbanks lSu
AugusL 2013 - uecember 2013
llrsL Crade, Self-conLalned

Crespo LlemenLary, PousLon lSu
!anuary 2013 - Aprll 2013
Second Crade, Self-conLalned
1hlrd Crade, Self-conLalned

<7,8/==1,65* 3/2/*,<>/60
AdulLs 8elaLlng Lo klds (A.8.k.)
arenL-1eacher Conferences
Culded 8eadlng Croups

?,7@ /;</71/6!/
Muslc lamlly lnsLlLuLe
1eacher AsslsLanL (3/2013 - resenL)
6330 lalrbanks n PousLon 8d - PousLon, 1x 77040

2,*460//7 ?,7@
LSCAL MlnlsLrles, Cur Lady of Lavang arlsh
!une 2012 - resenL
ulrecLor of Lhe youLh group and youLh cholr for klds ranglng from ages 7-21

ConflrmaLlon 1eacher, Cur Lady of Lavang arlsh
AugusL 2012 - resenL
1eachlng sLudenLs abouL rellglon and falLh

Clrl ScouL Leader, Cur Lady of Lavang arlsh
AugusL 2009 - resenL

Avallable upon requesL

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