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Bruce English 360

Job Applications Assessment Sheet

1) To what extent do the documents address the details in the job ad? Not at all Barely Moderately Great fit 2) Are the documents attractive and reader-friendly? Unorganized Effective sentences Clearly organized Hard-to-read sentences Cluttered/Needs white space Attractive/Reader-friendly 3) Are the paragraphs in the letter unified? Do they have topic sentences? Are the claims in the paragraphs substantiated with specific details/evidence? Relevant t.s. Plenty of evidence Unified Ps Irrelevant or missing t.s. Needs evidence Multiple topics in Ps 4) Is the letter persuasive? Does it make you want to read the resume? If not, can you suggest 1-2 ways to increase its persuasiveness? YES NO

Error free Needs editing for errors

Job Application as a whole: 1) To what degree has the writer persuaded its audience that he or she is a qualified candidate for the advertised job and should be granted an interview? Not qualified Nearly qualified Qualified Impressively Qualified

Additional Comments: -I believe for this particular job it might be better to have job experience first than education because it seems to be looking for both The third paragraph could use a stronger topic sentence Peer reviewed by Edgar Sanchez and Megan Ezell

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