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Kate Freeman Professor Hendricks, Cooperating Teacher: Mrs.

Hopke 11:30 AM-12 PM and 1:15-1:40 PM, December 2nd, 2013 Mott Elementary School ELE 301-02 1. Title or Topic of the Lesson and Grade Level Christmas Traditions, Kindergarten 2. Lesson Essential Question(s): What are common traditions celebrated by families associated with Christmas?

3. Standards: Identify the appropriate standards that you will assess in this lesson.
6.1.P.D.2. Demonstrate an understanding of family roles and traditions. 4. A. Learning Objectives and Assessments: B. Assessments: Learning Objectives Students will be able to explain that Christmas is a holiday that is associated with Christianity, but also in todays society a holiday associated with family, friendship, and giving. Students will be able to describe how people celebrate Christmas with food, presents, music, and decorations.

Assessments Completion of/sharing of ornaments class discussion, and responses to think-pairshare time; students will be able to articulate ways that people celebrate Christmas. Responses to questions asked orally during the read aloud/via pocket chart, and during think-pair-share time. Successful completion of an ornament/class discussion.

5. Materials: Sentence Strip with Standards/Objectives Poster with Winter Wonderland, the song of the day Christmas Is (Gail Gibbons) Pocket Chart Santa Card, Reindeer Card, Christmas Tree Card, Star Card, Wreath Card, Poinsettia Card, Pointer, Present Card, Turkey Card, Music Card Popsicle Stick Cup Poster with a Christmas Tree Thirty Ornaments (Pre-Cut for Students) Tape/Glue 8 pencil/crayon baskets (two per table) 6 . Pre-lesson assignments and/or prior knowledge: Students have been practicing their letters, reading, and writing, and following text with a pointer to associate spoken words with written text. Students have learned the definition of

holiday which is a day when people celebrate something, and that this may incorporate gifts, food, decorations, and music. Today we will learn about Christmas, but students have previously learned about Thanksgiving and Hanukkah from Ms. Mannion. 7. Lesson Beginning: I will begin my lesson by introducing and following the song of the day with the pointer and will explain that today we will be learning about Christmas, a Christian holiday that is also celebrated world-wide for non-religious purposes as a celebration of family, community, and friendship. 8. Instructional Plan: I will begin my lesson by asking students to come to the carpet, and sit in their rows criss-cross applesauce with their hands in their laps. The teacher will review the objective for the day: today students will learn ways that families traditionally celebrate Christmas. I will introduce the song of the day, and sing it for and with students. While singing, I will follow the lyrics to the song with the pointer. (Displayed on posterboard): Winter Wonderland Sleigh bells ring, are you listening, In the lane, snow is glistening A beautiful sight, We're happy tonight, Walking in a winter wonderland. Gone away is the bluebird, Here to stay is a new bird He sings a love song, As we go along, Walking in a winter wonderland. I will give a brief summary of what Christmas is; a holiday that is associated with Christianity, but also in todays society a holiday associated with family, friendship, and giving. I will state that Christmas is celebrated on December 25th. I will read the book Christmas Is to introduce the history and traditions of Christmas to students. (I will skip the pages about the Nativity) I will begin on page 8 of the book (which introduces St. Nicholas and Santa Claus). I will briefly explain that different countries celebrate Christmas differently and some nations believe that St. Nicholas or Santa puts gifts in shoes, or stockings, or puts gifts under Christmas trees. Depending on the people celebrating Christmas, the holiday is celebrated differently. I will put the Santa Card on the pocket chart. On page 12 I will introduce the idea of Reindeer to students. I will mention that there are either 8 or 9 reindeer depending on the country celebrating Christmas, and people believe that they fly presents to families around the world. I will put the Reindeer card on the pocket chart. On page 13 the book introduces Christmas trees. I will define evergreen for students, and will explain that evergreens are pine trees, and that Christmas trees

are used for Christmas decoration. I will put the Christmas Tree card on the pocket chart. On page 15 Christmas Lights are introduced to the class. I will explain that some people believe that Bethlehem is where Jesus (who Christians believe has his birthday on Christmas was born) and that the star on the tree is supposed to represent the star of Bethlehem. I will put the Star Card on the pocket chart. On page 18 ornaments are introduced to the reader. I will explain that ornaments are used to decorate pine Christmas trees. On pages 20-21 four other Christmas plants will be introduced including Holly, Wreaths, Mistletoe, and Poinsettias. I will explain some of the short background on these plants as well-that holly, wreaths, and mistletoe are plants associated with Christmas-time. Poinsettias are a flower associated with Christmas celebrations in Mexico because they associated it with the star of Bethlehem on the night of Jesuss birth. I will explain that the majority of plants/decorations associated with Christmas are red and green. I will put a wreath card and poinsettia card on the pocket chart (since they are the two most important Christmas Plants). On pages 22-23 Cards and Gift Giving will be introduced which I will explain are important to all holidays, and will associate with the concept of being thankful. I will put a present card on the pocket chart. On pages 24-25 common Christmas foods/baked goods are depicted. I will briefly summarize and point out the more popular foods: cranberries, gingerbread houses, turkey, Christmas pudding. I will put a turkey card on the pocket chart to represent all Christmas food. Finally, on pages 26-27 I will introduce Christmas Carols and Masses, and will explain that Christmas can be a holiday that people celebrate either religiously or out of love for the people in their lives. I will put a music card on the pocket chart to represent both types of Christmas music. I will use the Popsicle cup to ask students, What is one thing you learned that people do when they celebrate Christmas? This can be a type of present, food, music, or decoration. You can look at the pocket chart for help using picture clues. I will ask students to think-pair-share with a partner about something that they like about/learned about Christmas. I will then explain students desk activity. Students will color an ornament with something related to Christmas (they can be red/green, depict pine trees, presents etc.) I will put this on a Christmas tree cutout poster that I have made for the class. When students are sitting appropriately at their desks, the instructors will walk around checking/helping students work. Students will then be asked to return to the carpet when all students are finished. The class will share their ornaments with the class, and what they drew with their peers, and why. I will dismiss students to read books from the library table. I will then hang this poster in the hallway. o Differentiation: Students struggling to answer questions will be aided by the instructors; the instructor will prompt students. Similarly, students that struggle to read or sing independently will be assisted. Early finishers will be dismissed to the library table, but we also have created a student booklet (with pages that students can color/read independently) that students can utilize if finished before their peers.

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Questions: What is Christmas? Who celebrates Christmas? When is Christmas celebrated? Is Christmas celebrated differently in different parts of the world? How do people celebrate Christmas? What kinds of decorations/music are associated with Christmas? What food is associated with Christmas? Why is gift giving associated with Christmas? What are some symbols of Christmas?

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Classroom Management: To regroup students, get the class attention, or quiet them down, the teachers will clap out a rhythm that the students know to repeat and quiet down when they hear. (*clap-clap-clapclapclap*) Students will be reminded to not disrupt the flow of the lesson by talking amongst themselves; when a question is asked the teachers will remind students that students who dont raise their hand will not be called on for a turn to share. The teacher will use the popsicle stick cup to get students to share with the class in an orderly manner. Transitions: First transition: Students will be asked to come and sit on the carpet criss-cross apple sauce for the start of the lesson. The teacher will explain the objectives for the lesson. The teacher will explain behavioral expectations (students are expected to be quiet/listen to the lesson silently). Second transition: The teacher will sing to/with the students. Third transition: The teacher will read the book to students, and will ask students to share their ideas about the celebration of Christmas. Fourth transition: Students will be dismissed to their tables for independent work when they are sitting quietly and appropriately on the carpet. Fifth transition: Students will be sent back to the carpet once their independent work has been checked. Sixth transition: Students will share their work, and discuss their work with the class. After, they will be dismissed to read books from the library table.

9. Closure: Students will share their ornaments with their peers, and will discuss why they drew what they did. This will help us analyze as a class important traditions associated with Christmas, and how families celebrate Christmas. This will also help the teacher to assess student understanding of the lesson objectives.

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