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Strange phobias Geliophobia: Fear of laughter It is an overwhelming and abnormal fear of laughter and/or being around others who

laugh. Now this can almost seem funny but sufferers of this affliction can have extreme anxiety about laughing at the wrong time and find movies, jokes, and comedic situations very stressful. They may be afraid of their own laughter, laughing at an ina ro riate time, or at someone else!s s ecific laughter. Nephophobia: It is an unusual and irrational fear of clouds. "eo le can also suffer from Anablephobia# which is an irrational and ersistent fear of looking u $ and not only at the sky, but ceilings and tall buildings, etc. Hedonophobia: It is an overwhelming and ersistent fear of feeling leasure. "eo le suffering from this hobia usually feel guilty about the fact that they are indulging in a leasurable activity while others around them or in the world are suffering with Levophobia:It is an irrational and ersistent fear of things to the left side of the body. %n the other hand the fear of things to the right side of the body is called Dextrophobia. Counterphobia# It is a sychological condition or hobia in which the affected erson deliberately seeks out the object or situation that he or she fears the most, rather than avoiding it. Alliumphobia: It is an extraordinary and irrational fear of garlic. &ictims usually ex erience an eccentric reaction whenever they see or smell garlic. Phobophobia: 'orbid fear of develo ing a hobia. Linonophobia: It is an exaggerated and unwarranted fear of string. Octophobia# It!s an uncommon and unusual fear of the figure ( Metrophobia# It is an uncommon and unusual fear or hatred of oetry. Mnemophobia# It is an irrational and unwarranted fear of memories. Clinophobia# It is a ersistent and unusual fear of going to bed or slee ing at night. The erson having this hobia may fear about nightmares, bed wetting, etc and )uite often stay awake and develo insomnia. Consecotaleophobia# It is an abnormal and rare fear of cho sticks.

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