Eczema - Virgin Coconut

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Natural Eczema Treatment With Virgin Coconut Oil

96 rate or flag By E elyn !im

The Coconut Fruit


Natural Eczema Treatment With Virgin Coconut Oil

A natural ec#ema treatment can be foun$ in the use of irgin coconut oil% &n fact' & ha e gotten great results with its use on my $ry ec#ema s(in% As it is' & ha e to be careful not to use pro$ucts that contain fragrance or chemical substances% & ha e foun$ that natural oils ma(e a far better alternati e' in helping to moisturi#e an$ hy$rate my s(in% )hat is particularly useful to (now is that the constituents of natural oils are perfect for the bo$y% *irgin coconut oil is now toute$ to be one of the best natural ec#ema treatments that you can fin$ aroun$%

What Is Eczema?
The term +ec#ema+ or +$ermatitis+ has been use$ to $escribe a group of s(in problems where the s(in becomes itchy an$ inflame$' an$ thus re$ splotches become isible% &n a larger scale' ec#ema is also groupe$ with the classic allergic $iseases' asthma an$ hay fe er' in a complex that is terme$ +atopy+ ,from the -ree( wor$ +atopos+' meaning +out of place+.% Ec#ema is always mar(e$ by $ry s(in% The ec#ema s(in cannot protect itself from increase$ rate of e aporation' an$ the loss of moisture lea$s to further $ryness% &n turn' the $ry s(in gets more irritate$ an$ itchy' lea$ing to increase$ scratching that worsens the rash% The itchy' re$ rash can affect the entire bo$y% /any people get it in the joints of the arms' especially the insi$e of the elbows' or the joints of the leg' especially at the bac( of the (nees%

Natural Eczema Treatment Versus Steroids

The con entional metho$ of treatment for ec#ema is by way of steroi$ applications% Howe er' long term use pro$uces si$e effects li(e +thinning of the s(in+' lea$ing to increase$ ulnerability to bacterial infection' an$ hence aggra ating the problem of ec#ema% Alternati e health experts also suggest that any form of $rugs increases toxicity to the bo$y an$ this can create other health problems%

Coconut Palm - The Tree Of ife

"oconut Palm The Tree 0f !ife

Introducing Coconut Palm as !The Tree Of ife!

"oconut oil comes from the coconut fruit% The scientific name for coconut is "ocos nucifera% The coconut is an important staple in many tropical islan$s% Perhaps you $o not get to see this fruit often enough in the supermar(ets but nearly one thir$ of the worl$1s population $epen$s on coconut to some extent for foo$ an$ their economy% "oconut is highly nutritious% &t is rich in fiber' itamins' an$ minerals% &n fact' it possesses health benefits beyon$ its nutritional content% Pacific &slan$ers call the coconut palm +The Tree of !ife+' claiming that the oil can be use$ to cure se eral $iseases% &t is a claim that has now been confirme$ by research%

"r #ercola Endorses Virgin Coconut Oil #edium Chain Fatt$ %cids In Coconut Oils #a&e The "ifference
The coconut oil was pre iously mista(enly belie e$ to be unhealthy because of its high saturate$ fat content% Howe er' it is now establishe$ that not all fats are the same% The fats that are truly +ba$+ are trans fats' whereas the fat in coconut oil is a uni2ue an$ $ifferent from most all other fats% "oconut oil is compose$ pre$ominately of me$ium3chain fatty aci$s ,/"4A.' also (nown as me$ium3chain triglyceri$es ,/"T.% &t is the /"4A that gi e coconut oil its healing benefits% The majority of fats an$ oils in our $iets' whether they are saturate$ or unsaturate$ or come from animals or plants' are compose$ of long3chain fatty aci$s ,!"4A.% 5ome 96 to 7889 of all the fatty aci$s you consume are !"4A% /"4A are ery $ifferent from !"4A% They $o not ha e any negati e effect on cholesterol an$ hence' protect the bo$y against from any form of heart $isease% /"4A help to lower the ris( of both atherosclerosis an$ heart $isease% There are only a ery few goo$ $ietary sources of /"4A% By far the best sources are from coconut an$ palm (ernel oils% !auric aci$' (nown for its anti iral an$ antibacterial properties' contributes about :89 of the fatty aci$ in coconut fat% !auric aci$' which is also containe$ in mother1s mil(' is the most essential fatty aci$ for the buil$ing of an immune system% &n the bo$y' it is con erte$ to monolaurin' a powerful monoglyceri$e that $estroys lipi$3coate$ iruses ,such as cytomegalo irus' H&*' herpes' an$ influen#a. as well as pathogenic bacteria%

Coconut Oil To 'eal Eczema S&in

The /"4A help restore $amage$ s(in' by penetrating into the cell structures of the connecti e tissues% Hence' it is excellent as a natural ec#ema treatment' for other s(in $isor$ers as well as for

anti3ageing purposes% &t also helps pre ent the s(in from $e eloping li er spots' by $estroying free ra$ical formation% /"4A in coconut oil help to pre ent fungal an$ bacterial infections in the s(in% At least one type of bacterium fee$s on the sebum of our s(in' brea(ing $own the tryglyceri$es of the coconut oil into free fatty aci$s% )hen they are bro(en apart into free fatty aci$s' they become powerful antimicrobials' (illing $isease3causing bacteria' iruses' an$ fungi% The combination of the slightly aci$ pH of the s(in an$ the /"4A pro i$es a protecti e chemical layer on the s(in that pre ents infection from $isease3causing organisms% )hen you bathe or shower' or$inary soap ten$s to wash off the aci$ mantle of your s(in% Applying coconut oil helps to restore the protecti e layer of your s(in% "oconut oil penetrates 2uic(ly' (eeping your s(in soft% &t helps to re$uce any inflammation an$ is healing to woun$s' bloo$ blisters an$ rashes% Herbalists ha e been (nown to use coconut oil as an ingre$ient to prepare healing sal es an$ ointments% A home reme$y for eliminating plantar warts an$ athlete1s foot is to mix coconut oil an$ crushe$ garlic% To reiterate' associate$ benefits of coconut oil for ec#ema s(in inclu$e; ,7.% <e$uces inflammation% ,=.% 5upports tissue healing an$ repair% ,>.% 5upports an$ ai$s immune system function% ,?.% &mpro es utili#ation of essential fatty aci$s an$ protects them from oxi$ation% ,:.% 5upports the natural chemical balance of the s(in% ,6.% 5oftens s(in an$ helps relie e $ryness an$ fla(ing% ,@.% Pro i$es protection form $amaging effects of ultra iolet ra$iation form the sun% 0ther benefits of coconut oil inclu$e; ,7.% &mpro es $igestion an$ absorption of other nutrients inclu$ing itamins' minerals' an$ amino aci$s% ,=.% &mpro es calcium an$ magnesium absorption' supporting the $e elopment of strong bones an$ teeth% ,>.% &mpro es bowel function%

'ar(esting Coconut

Choose Organic %nd Virgin Coconut Oil For Eczema Natural Treatment
&t is best to select coconut oil that is both organic an$ irgin' as use for a natural treatment for ec#ema% Organic Coconut Oil. Ary ec#ema s(in can be a symptom of a highly toxic bo$y% Hence' the last thing you want to $o is to use a pro$uct that is not pro$uce$ organically% Virgin Coconut Oil. *irgin coconut oil is ma$e by using fresh coconut meat with little or no processing' or what is calle$ non3copra% /ost commercial gra$e coconut oils are pro$uce$ from copra% /ost of the copra' the meat of the coconut' is $rie$ un$er the sun in the open air' where it gets expose$ to insects an$ moul$s% The stan$ar$ en$ pro$uct ma$e from copra is <BA coconut oil% <BA means refine$' bleache$' an$ $eo$ori#e$% Both high heat an$ chemicals ,e%g% sol ent extractions. are use$ in this metho$% A fragrant smell is characteristic of irgin coconut oils% "opra3base$ refine$ coconut oils ha e no taste or fragrance $ue to the refining process%

)eci*es +sing Coconut Oil %s ,e$ Ingredient

)ith so much facts foun$ about the coconut oil' there are now coo(boo(s written for its use as a (ey ingre$ient in recipes% As an Asian li ing near the Tropics' & ha e been brought up eating foo$ that ma(es use of the coconut% /y all time fa orite is the "oconut <ice% )e coo( this' with other accompanying $ishes' e ery time we ha e guests from other parts of the worl$ coming o er for $inner%

)eci*e For Virgin Coconut Oil Vinaigrette

"oconut oil inaigrette is a tasty sala$ $ressing% Bou can also a$$ mince$ garlic' parsley' onion pow$er' cayenne pow$er' $ill wee$' Parmesan cheese' or Aijon mustar$ to the recipe below for some ariations% Ingredients7C? cup of your fa orite inegar 7C= cup li2ui$ irgin coconut oil 7C= cup irgin oli e oil sea salt an$ pepper to taste Instructions7% )is( all ingre$ients together in a small bowl% =% 5tore in glass jar in refrigerator an$ warm to room temperature before using% >% Pour o er fresh sala$ egetables as nee$e$%

)eci*e For Coconut .astmati )ice

Bou woul$ not want to miss out on trying this recipe if you are a rice lo erD Ingredients> cups long grain rice ,& li(e Basmati. > cups coconut mil( or 7 can coconut cream mixe$ with > cups of water 7 7C= cups raisins 6 tablespoons sli ere$ almon$s 7 onion' slice$ sea salt to taste Instructions7% 5lice an$ fry the onions in coconut oil until they are gol$en brown% =% 4ry the almon$s lightly% 5et both asi$e%

>% Put rice' coconut cream' water an$ salt in a saucepan ,or rice coo(er.% ?% Bring it to boil on me$ium heat an$ boil until li2ui$ is gone% :% <e$uce heat' co er an$ continue coo(ing until rice is well coo(e$ an$ fluffy% 6% -ently stir with a for(% @% -arnish with frie$ raisins' onion an$ almon$s% 5er es; ?36%

)eci*e For Organic Carrot Ca&e With Virgin Coconut Oil

)ho woul$ ha e thought that irgin coconut oil can be use$ to ma(e carrot ca(eE But here is this absolutely $elicious recipe for it%%%% Ingredients6o# organic grate$ carrots 6o# organic soft brown sugar 6o# organic irgin coconut oil ?o# organic plain wholemeal flour =o# organic choppe$ walnuts = organic free range eggs -rate$ #est of 7 organic orange 7 teaspoon bicarbonate of so$a 7 teaspoon groun$ cinnamon Instructions7% Beat all the abo e ingre$ients together an$ place in a ba(ing tin grease$ with irgin coconut oil% =% "oo( in preheate$ o en at 768 $eg " C >:8 $eg 4 for ?: 3 68minutes% >% To ensure that ca(e is rea$y' chec( with a metal s(ewer% The ca(e shoul$ not stic( on to the s(ewerD ote up ote $ownshareprintflag

)as this Hub %%%E Fseful ,78. 4unny

Awesome ,>. Beautiful &nteresting ,7.

Ec#ema; <elease <epresse$ Anger To Heal 4rom Ec#ema 5ymptoms Ec#ema; )heatgrass Guicing To <e$uce Ec#ema 5ymptoms

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com*u-smart ? years ago & ha e a frien$ who has trie$ getting ri$ of his ec#ema for so long so i will sen$ him this page to see if this helps% Than(s

dafla ? years ago & lo e *"0D &t1s goo$ for so many thingsD & starte$ using it for thyroi$ problems' an$ now & use it for so many things%

#r Nice !e el 7 "ommenter ? years ago 5ure it is goo$ thyroi$ plus scalp an$ hair too%

oze*ro ? years ago Excellent article% Than(s for the info%

E(el$n im Hub Author ? years ago Bou are welcome ;3. "iane ? years ago & ha e been using the extra irgin coconut oil along with *itamin E oil for o er a month now an$ it has impro e$ my s(in alotD & ha e also been $oing a epsom salt an$ tea tree oil bath with ery tepi$ water an$ with this regimine & ha e ery little itching an$ my s(in has isually impro e$%

(ra3a(ala !e el : "ommenter ? years ago Bou can ma(e great smoothies with fro#en bananas' spinach or (ale an$ coconut mil(% "oconut mil( is way less expensi e than coconut oil an$ has the same benefits for your s(in%

desert 4londie > years ago *ery informati eD /y $aughter suffers from ec#ema' she has lots of allergies' li es in a $ry climate' lo es to be out$oors' an$ wor(s in airplanes 33 another $ry climateD !earning about the 1processe$1 as oppose$ to the 1 irgin1 was ery helpfulD

mar&etingsmarter > years ago -reat article' E elyn' /y Aa$ suffers from ec#ema an$ has for years% The $octors ha e always prescribe$ cortisone cream for him' but we are trying to get him away from that type of

me$ication an$ using something natural% How & ha e some new information' & ha$ no i$ea coconut oil was goo$ for ec#ema% How & just ha e to get him to use it%

5erilee Wei !e el > "ommenter > years ago *ery goo$ article% &1m passing it on to my son who li es in Hong Iong% His young wife suffers terribly with ec#ema an$ we1 e been searching for something that will help her% Wend$ > years ago /y 6 mo son has ec#ema an$ & trie$ using it for two $ays now% The first $ay' the re$ness go away%% but the next $ay it all came bac(% Ao & nee$ to continue using itE Peter > years ago But aren1t some subject to genetic issues hereE /y father an$ gran$father both suffer from Psoriasis an$ my ec#ema ,terme$ 1!ichen 5implex Ec#ema1 by a consultant specialist. starte$ after an injury 3 a slight gra#e 3 when & was 76 ,&1m now >6.% The point & am 2uestioning is whether some fol( ha e s(in which is more susceptible to Ec#ema than others% That note$' the issue here is about solutions J ha ing ha$ a ery ba$ night1s sleep recently with no 1chance of parole1 from anything offere$ by my Ar' & am intereste$ in trying other i$eas% Best wishes to fol( in 5ingapore 3 (now the place well% Peter > years ago 5orry 3 one final 2uestion; &1 e notice$ that my s(in impro es $ramatically when & swim in certain places ,P <e$ang' /alaysiaK 5ipaway' Phillipines. with the scabs $isappearing after just two hours of being in the water' though the same $oesn1t happen in other places ,P% TiomanK P Penang.% The itchiness $oesn1t go away' though% Any i$eas why the water in such places can be so 1powerful1E halimah > years ago i1 e been using an$ consume$ co for the past ? years' it really $o won$ers to me an$ my baby%%% Eczema Sufferer > years ago -reat information% Than(sD #ohamed Fa$ez > years ago

5ince my chil$hoo$ my mom apply coconut oil topically o er the throat to soothe $ry cough or eat us a thumb si#e of coconut (ernel roste$ o er a fire' as well as applying the oil un$er the belly to relei e of constipation% 3a$a > years ago Than(s for this info i ha e been using /erit*"0 irgin coconut oil extracte$ from cocnut mil(%%%%its really goo$ for s(in%% than(s *"0%

WordWielder = years ago Than( you for such a thoroughly researche$ article% & ha e ec#ema an$ am gla$ to (now there1s a natural cure out there for me% &1ll chec( it outD Than(s again an$ feel free to chec( out my hubs% Itch$ S&in )ash Ti*s = years ago Than(s for a great hub % & am gla$ you explaine$ the $ifference between irgin an$ organic% Also the recipes are an extra plus% & (now someone who this may benefit% Than(s% Aeb

rosariomontenegro = years ago & ha$ for $eca$es a small spot between two toes which got itchy% & use$ antifungal creams for the longest time an$ the itchiness always always always came bac(% Then one $ay & a few years ago & learne$ about coconut oil% & starte$ using it e ery $ay after the shower% The itchiness ne er returne$ since then% & ne er again use$ any antifungal cream' only the coconut oil% The irgin coconut oil is so antibacterial that & also aban$one$ entirely the use of $eo$orant' & replace$ it with this soothing fantastic useful oil% &1m gla$ that someone is telling the won$ers of this (in$ natural helper' the coconut oil%

Se6$ 3ont$ = years ago *ery well written hub %%%%% ery much informati e %%%%%% Than( you ery much for your great hub' for goo$ a$ ice' goo$ wishes an$ support% Than(s for sharing your experience with all of us% Eczema 'er4al = years ago goo$ information on ec#ema an$ how coconut oil helps ictims of ec#ema

tdar4$ = years ago & $i$ not (now this about coconut oil% -reat info% & (eep bees an$ ha e been experimenting with some foot lotions ma$e with the wax & har est% & thin( & will a$$ some coconut oil to my next batch% lisa = years ago A few of my family members suffer from mil$ ec#ema an$ we were always ery cautious about using the right personal care or househol$ items in or$er to lessen the s(in irritation% A frien$ then tol$ us that there is a pro$uct that can clean clothes without $etergent% http;CCsa erwashball%blogspot%comC Perfect for those who are concerne$ about irritation or s(in allergies cause$ by laun$ry $etergents Sara = years ago -reat article% Than(s for the info% Here also i foun$ the ceramic ball that can clean clothes without $etergents% &t is chemical free' an$ hypoallergenic% http;CCbiocerawashball%blogspot%com

nora14iz = years ago *ery nice article% Ec#ema can be ery annoying% That con$ition is some times ery $ifficult to treat' because e en $ermatologist $o not (now the bac(groun$ of the ec#ema% To (eep it moist is the best thing to $o% http;CCorganicextra irgincoconutoil%orgC http;CChubpages%comChubCorganic3extra irgin3coconu Stace$ 'enr$ = years ago Although & li(e the i$ea of using coconut oil to eliminate ec#ema it seems a little messy an$ labor intensi e when compare$ to using a mille$ soap an$ a renewing lotion se eral times per $ay% Natural Eczema Cure = years ago & am "ory Thiarello writing for 4aceAoctor% 0ur highly beneficial ec#ema treatment an$ ec#ema pro$ucts ha e foun$ wi$e acceptance o er the past years% )am == months ago than(s for the information about ec#ema%%% now & (nowDDDD &1m hoping that my problem about my s(in can be cure$ fast%% than(s again%% goo$ $ay%% )am == months ago than(s for the information about ec#ema%%% now & (nowDDDD &1m hoping that my problem about my s(in can be cure$ fast%%

than(s again%% goo$ $ay%% 5ulie == months ago & suffer from ec#ema on my face an$ the entire bo$yK & just purchase in the store it call Hatural coconut oil & $on1t (now if this Hatural coconut oil has the same benefit or it has to be *irgin oil E' please help% Than(s lo* == months ago 0h e ening primrose $oes won$ers too if irgin coconut is not a ailable% & just use$ = capsules of co with a $rop of rose an$ patchouli% but u can just forget about essential oils co# some are not rea$ily a ailable% point is though it wor(s% i ga e the concoction i ma$e to my bro who suffere$ from ec#ema on his han$s an$ it heale$ in > $ays% ;. momma4earto7 =8 months ago )e lo e *"0 an$ ha e been consuming an$ using it externally for about 9 months now% The boo( +The coconut oil miracle+ is ery informati e an$ goes into the chemistry of fats an$ how they are processe$ by the system% & actually lost : lbs the first month & starte$ eating > Tbsp of *"0 per $ayD & also use it as my $eo$orant mixe$ with a bit of ba(ing so$a% &t wor(s won$erfully since it naturally (ills o$or causing bacteria% )e ha e a $aughter with ec#ema an$ though we ha e occasionally use$ *"0 as a moisturi#er for her' we $on1t nee$ to ery often since we $isco ere$ ha#elwoo$ nec(laces% The woo$ has the natural property of absorbing excess aci$ because it is al(aline an$ see(s to balance out its Ph le els% )e ha e ha$ her wearing a ha#elwoo$ nec(lace for o er = years now an$ she is ec#ema free because of itD )ithin = wee(s of first putting it on her' her ec#ema went from rampant to irtually non3existant which was really surprising% )e (now it1s the ha#elwoo$ that is (eeping her clear because the few times we ha e ta(en it off an$ forgotten to put it bac( on ,or when her nec(lace has become saturate$. all her ec#ema comes bac(% &t goes away again when we replace the nec(lace ,usually within a $ay or so.% )e were $efinitely s(eptical at first but now we are so than(ful to ha e $isco ere$ this ama#ing natural treatment% /y husban$ e en wears one for his heartburn J ulcers an$ it1s helpe$ him tremen$ously tooD Bou can learn more about how ha#elwoo$ wor(s here; http;CCwww%ha#elai$%comC"LAboutLHa#elwoo$%html Than(s for the great articleD ,I%NSO =8 months ago & ha e foun$ this article ery informati e an$ plan to try *"0 reme$y for my ec#ema% & will try to post later with my results%

Aoes anyone ha e further information regar$ing *"0 for thyroi$ issuesEE & rea$ an earlier post an$ am intereste$ in more information% a/ 79 months ago Theres also so many benefits to $rin(ing *ita "oco3also ma$e from coconuts% (ictor89:: 79 months ago The coconut methot really wor(s to treat ec#ema% man3usha 79 months ago oils ha e therapeutic properties an$ they really $o wor(%%% my granny was suffering from aricose eins an$ ec#ema%%% so she starte$ using these natural oils%%%li(e coconut oil' itamin e oil%%%all these oils gi e her lot of relief%%% whiche er oil which comes in pure form an$ is affor$able an$ a ailable can be use$%%%it is goo$ to massage for atleast =8 min to half an hour%%%twice a $ay%%%%it can cure most s(in problems%% -lenn "unningham',worl$ class runner.' his parents use$ to massage his legs regularly an$ he got his burnt legs bac(%%which itself pro es e erything%%%

ga3anis;<= !e el = "ommenter 76 months ago *ery goo$ article%%%%%& will $efinitely try this to my long time ec#ema%%%%hope to see better results%Than(s an$ goo$ $ay% #att 7@ months ago -oo$ article% & ha e suffere$ from se ere ec#ema for o er 78 years% To the point of crac(ing an$ blee$ing all o er my bo$y% 5o & will try this% & also want to say% & ha e use$ thousan$s of $ollars in ointments' creames' oils' speacial $iets' etc% i ha e recently use$ a pro$uct' & first thought it coul$nt be as goo$ as some people ha e claime$% But & went ahea$ an$ or$ere$ a set of the cream% &n two wee(s it cleare$ up my scaling s(in' my crac(s that where blee$ing' $ryness' iritation an$ inflimation% An$ it eliminate$ the se ere itching that & suffere$ from% & woul$ scratch my s(in raw an$ bloo$y from such extreme feeling of itches% & can tell you' in all my years of pain an$ suffering from this con$ition this is the 0H!B' an$ & repeat only pro$uct that has truely shown results an$ wor(e$% & notice$ a $ifference in only two $ays of using it% By wee( = my s(in was almost 7889 cleare$ up% & ha$ slight re$ness' an$ with another set of this cream cleare$ it up completly%

& now stoc( up on this for any brea( out & ha e an$ & put my life on this stuff that it will an$ can wor( for people suffering from ec#ema% The $ermatologist tol$ me & woul$ ne er get ri$ of ec#ema an$ to ta(e steroi$ shots to relei e myself of the pain an$ itch% Please people' use coconut oil with this if you want' it cant hurt% But try this% http;CCwww%littlebu$$haenterprises%comC matt 7@ months ago & forgot to a$$' it is garentee$ to wor( or money bac(% 5o if for some reason it $oes not wor( you can get a refun$% if you $o suffer from se ere ec#ema li(e & ha e' then you ha e nothing to loose% Please post bac( with results if you $o use it%

%mie Warren 7@ months ago & just bought :? o#s% of coconut oil' an$ am using it for e erything% & $i$n1t (now for sure that it was goo$ for ec#ema' but & $o ha e it on the si$es of my nose' so &1 e been putting it on an$ we1ll see how it wor(s% Boo(mar(ing this page% Than(sD *um*&in 7@ months ago can extra irgin oil be use$ for aginal $ryness% )oul$ it be safe to use% Than(s Itch$ Von itcherson 76 months ago &1 e been using this for a couple of wee(s to treat my painful ec#ema% &t1s not helping at all' & apply it se eral times a $ay an$ ta(e roughly 7tb internally% & $o lo e it as a natural moisturi#er for my face an$ bo$y thoughD Eczema Natural 76 months ago 4antastic postDD "oconut oil has been use$ by islan$ers in 0ceania an$ Asia for centuries% &t1s cra#y how we are only just catching on to something that has been use$ to treat s(in an$ hair con$itions for such a long time% !oo( forwar$ to more articles% "heers %hria Santos 7= months ago Hi there% Gust new to this site% Been ha ing ec#ema for few months now an$ it is really irritating% &1m thin(ing of going to $ermatologist this wee(en$ but $eci$e$ to see( information regar$ing natural treatment for ec#ema first an$ hoola' & foun$ this article% &1 e hear$ a lot about irgin

coconut oil an$ &1m thin(ing of trying this% "an & as( for any suggestions on what bran$ & shoul$ buyE An$ whereE Please help%%% Than( you so muchD ;.

3se(en !e el = "ommenter @ months ago & use organic coconut oil for my s(in an$ ec#ema' especially now that &1m going through topical steroi$ cream with$rawals after getting a$$icte$ to them% & wrote a hub about this% -oo$ rea$ing hereD "" / Eczema : months ago )e applie$ *"0 on my $aughter1s face ,where the ec#ema is.' an$ her face now has ha$ more rashes than before% &s this a typical result of applying *"0 to s(in%%worse then better%%but how $o & (nowE & am sic( worrie$% Pls help% %# ? months ago /y son ha$ terrible ec#ema on his (nees an$ elbows% & mean a bright re$ that loo(e$ li(e >r$ $egree burns% & got him to use the coconut oil an$ about a year ago% Hothing else he trie$ wor(e$ except for ery expensi e cream from the $octor but that $i$n1t e en help that much% & am please$ to say you can e en tell he e er ha$ ec#ema anymore% &t1s ama#ing he is afrai$ to stop using it an$ & $on1t blame him% & wish you all the same results% Bou ha e to be faithful putting it on e ery$ay an$ gi e it a chance to wor(%

Sana add$ ? months ago thx for the info' but i strongly appose$ such treatment%

%ndrei.argas > months ago & ha e been using *"0 for my face $ermatitis for o er : wee(s now% &t stoppe$ for a while but then it went bac( to some part of my face where it was before% & was planning on going bac( to the Aerma this wee(en$' but then' & might gi e this natural route some more time% An$ this is because & really $on1t want to be $epen$ent on me$sD -oo$ luc( to us who ha e s(in problems% )e1ll beat thisD

eliaCle(eland : wee(s ago The past two wee(s using *"0 my $ry feet are now smooth% & use e ery night an$ e ery morning% &t is great on my African American hair an$ & am not relaxing my hair as often% Ary itchy scalp3& li(e it% & am light3s(inne$ an$ $ar( ec#ema spots ha e stoppe$ itching an$ beginning to clear up on eyeli$s' feet' etc% & e en starte$ ta(ing a tablespoon a $ay an$ plan on wor(ing a $ose into my $aily $iet% /y gran$chil$ren suffer with ec#ema an$ my $aughter plans to use it as well% 0hhhhD Ary scratchy elbows start softening after > $ays using *"0 tooD &t want hurt to try it% & purchase$ mine in the itamin section of )almart335pring *alley *itamin Bran$ 7=o#% jar% Pamela 6 $ays ago "an & purchase the *"0 ,unrefine$. from the coo(ing oil section of the grocery storeE 5ubmit a "omment /embers an$ -uests 5ign in or sign up an$ post using a hubpages account% Hame;


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Coconut Oil For Eczema

'eal Eczema No/ With Coconut Oil? - What The$ "on@t Want Aou To ,no/?
& wrote the following article on ec#ema an$ coconut oil an$ ha e since tal(e$ to many who ha e trie$ it an$ it has wor(e$% Aiet shoul$ be consi$ere$ as the root cause% "oconut oil may help when applie$ to the s(in as a natural treatment%
As a nurse' &1 e often come in contact with patients who were suffering from ec#ema' from mil$ to se ere' loo(ing for a cure% How first of all' ec#ema an$ $ermatitis are usually referring to the same con$ition an$ there are three types of ec#ema% &f you1re suffering from ec#ema you1ll fin$ health professionals are 2uic( to prescribe or recommen$ expensi e $rugs or chemical pro$ucts when natural treatments for ec#ema such as using irgin coconut oil is the best choice% )ith coconut oil there is no exposure to $rugs an$ chemical3la$en pro$ucts% Ec#ema is a $ermatitis that is in a$ ance$ stages that can be more serious% To apply the irgin coconut oil' massage it $eep into the affecte$ area% &n a$ults' ec#ema is usually foun$ on the inner elbow or behin$ the (nee' but can be foun$ anywhere% "ontact $ermatitis can occur in the presence jewelry' perfumes' nic(el in jewelry or glasses or bra hoo(s' chemicals in any cosmetics' shellac in most mascaras' lipstic(' lotions' soaps' fabric softener sheets' pestici$es from contact aroun$ the mouth' latex glo es' tomatoes' an$ the list goes on% )hen you start treating your ec#ema externally with coconut oil' ma(e sure you1re also wor(ing on eliminating the cause of your ec#ema' whether it1s internal or external% "oconut oil wor(s so much better than ec#ema creams' which are usually expensi e ec#ema pro$ucts that are la$en with chemicals' whether it1s use$ for babies' teens or a$ults% *irgin coconut oil is inexpensi e an$ a goo$' cheap home reme$y you can use for many s(in problems% &f you also ha e acne' coconut oil is an excellent treatment for acne too an$ is better than any chemical acne pro$ucts% Besi$es the coconut oil treatment you can expose the affecte$ area to $irect sunlight for =8 minutes or so e ery $ay if you ha e access to sunlight an$ also get your $aily $ose of itamin A that way too% 4or the external causes of ec#ema such as contact $ermatitis' ma(e sure to a oi$ ha ing your s(in come in contact with the offen$er% 0ne possible cause for ec#ema that has recei e$ recent attention from s(in specialists' $ermatologists an$ other s(in $octors is that of a shoc( to the ner ous system or exposure for a prolonge$ perio$ to mental stress or strain%

Fnprocesse$ ,no bleaching' refining or $eo$ori#ing. organic irgin coconut oil soothes the area imme$iately% &t goes to wor( on healing ec#ema' $ermatitis or just about any s(in con$ition you can thin( of% Bou want to ma(e sure you get the (in$ that is not refine$% /a(e sure it smells li(e coconut% The label will usually say it1s irgin% &t can be foun$ in whole foo$s mar(ets% An$ atopic ec#ema is a chronic' recurring con$ition with +flares+' which are acti e or new patches of ec#ema' an$ remissions 3 when ec#ema is not as acti e% 4or an attac( of ec#ema to exist' two con$itions are necessary; a pre$isposition or special irritability of the s(in' an$ a $irectly exciting cause% Patients with ec#ema ha e s(in that is usually sensiti e to substances such as soap' wool' ma(e3up' $etergents' cosmetics' mascara' shampoos' lipstic(' nail polish' etc% &f the ec#ema is on your han$s' coconut oil will ha e to be applie$ more often% 0nce s(in is expose$ to an ec#ema trigger' the s(in releases chemicals to the surface of the s(in' which causes one to itch% )hile we $on1t un$erstan$ all of the causes of ec#ema' there is e i$ence that the following possibilities play a role in causing ec#ema; $iet' genetics' the immune system' an$ abnormalities in the barrier ,protecti e. function of the s(in% After you1 e heale$ your s(in with your new ec#ema treatment continue to use coconut oil an$ goo$ clear s(in will be your rewar$% &t just ta(es a little moti ation' a willingness to try it' an$ $iligent application of coconut oil $aily up to se eral times each $ay an$Cor at be$time' use your ju$gment% Bou1ll see mar elous results an$ ha e a healing s(in pro$uct you can use fore er for all your s(in problems% &t1s great for $ry s(in care an$ combina

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