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All About Ms.

Name Ni''i Marie Shedd Birthday Ma$ 10( 1)*) Birthplace Decatur( A+ Siblings 1 older sister( Megan Nieces/Nephews 1 niece (,aroline( - $rs"( 1 ne hew (Mason( . $rs"

Personal Information

These Are A

ew of My

a!orite Things...

Musician % reall$ lo/e all 'inds of music0 ,lassical( %ndie Roc'( 1luegrass( 2 era( Southern 3os el( ,ountr$( 4o 50( etc!0 Right now( % reall$ en6o$ listening to a grou called 7aim! WEDNESDAY: Reading: Read for 10 Minutes (this might include a Snac"/#andy % can8t resist an$thing with time when the arent reads to the child or the child chocolate and eanut 9utter0 reads to the arent!" Writing: #ractice writing $our first name Place to $o % lo/e going on ad/entures with m$ friends( whether it 9e out of town or 6ust down the #arent %nitials:&&& road! %8/e reall$ en6o$ed going to 3reene St! Mar'et in Downtown 7unts/ille these ast few months! %ther a!orites 1a'ing cu ca'es : other sweets( coo'ing delicious meals( singing o era( erforming in a choral ensem9le( wor'ing with children and $outh at m$ church!

As $ou 'now( m$ name is Ni''i Shedd! % will 9e student teaching in Mrs! 4hor e8s classroom until the end of No/em9er! % ha/e alread$ 9een in her classroom for a9out two wee's! So far( % ha/e en6o$ed m$ time in here immensel$0 % was raised on a cattle farm in ,ullman ,ount$( and % graduated from West #oint 7igh School in 500<! % currentl$ attend the =ni/ersit$ of Ala9ama in 7unts/ille( where % am stud$ing Elementar$ Education and minoring in Music! % ha/e 9een in/ol/ed in the uni/ersit$8s choir de artment for se/eral $ears! %n addition to music and education( % am a art of the Al ha 2micron #i women8s fraternit$ on cam us( ser/ing as the re/ious ># of Academic De/elo ment( and the current ># of Standards! Not onl$ am % in/ol/ed on cam us( 9ut % am also in/ol/ed in the communit$! +ast $ear( % ser/ed as the Assistant Youth Director at Monte Sano =M,! 4his $ear( % am a Youth %ntern at 7unts/ille ?irst =M,( as well as a children8s choir director( small@grou leader( and so rano section leader in the Sanctuar$ ,hoir and New Dawn >oices! Some eo le sa$ 9eing a teacher is a calling( and % definitel$ feel as though %8/e 9een called to teach! % am a9solutel$ thrilled to 9e a art of $our child8s learning these ne;t few wee's! % 'now % will see them grow not onl$ in their learning( 9ut also in their character! %f $ou ha/e an$ Auestions for me( lease feel free to e@mail me at nms0005Buah!edu!

&nfinished Sentences
I feel happy when...%8m wor'ing with children! 4here8s a sort of indescri9a9le energ$ $ou feel when $ou8re wor'ing with them( and it 6ust fills $ou with 6o$0 I lo! man$ eo le and things! % thin' % 6ust lo/e li/ing life0 %f $ou tr$ hard enough( $ou can find ha iness in the e/en the smallest of things! The most important person in my life is...m$ mother! % can sa$ with certaint$ that she is m$ a9solute 9est friend! %f % don8t tal' to her on the hone each da$( % feel li'e m$ da$ is incom lete! My life is...full of e;citement0 Each da$ seems li'e a new ad/enture( es eciall$ when wor'ing with children! 4here is ne/er a dull( mundane moment in the classroom0

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