Animal Tissues Word

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1. 2. 3.

Three types of muscle tissue Striated muscle Smooth muscle Cardiac muscle

Connective tissue proper 1. Loose connective tissue 2. Dense connective tissue


WBC are produced in the Red Bone arro!" The Lymph #odes" and the Spleen. WBC have a #ucleus and can live for many months or years. $R%T&CT T'& B%D( )*)+#ST +#,)S+%# B( -%R&+*# C&LLS %R S.BST)#C&S. $')*%C(T&S

ERYTHROCYTES / RBC are the most numerous of the Blood Cells. / B+C%#C),& / $roduced from cells in the Bone arro!" they are 0radually filled !ith '& %*L%B+# !hich forces out the nucleus and other or0anelles. Platelets are #%T Cells -ormed !hen small pieces of Cytoplasm are pinched off the lar0e cells in the Red Bone arro! called ME !K!RYOCYTES" !hich are found in the Bone arro!. $lay role in Blood Clottin0. 'elp the Clottin0 process 1y Clumpin0 to0ether and formin0 a $lu0 at the site of a !ound and then releasin0 proteins called CLOTTIN F!CTORS.

"ONE T#e pro$uction o% a$$itional concentric la&ellae %ills in t#e tunnel an$ co&pletes t#e %or&ation o% t#e osteon' Cartila(e )' Elastic cartila(e E*' Ears +elastin, )' H-aline cartila(e E*' Nose .' Fi/rocartila(e E*' 0erte/ral $isc !$ipose tissue %ats Inte(u&entar- s-ste& Lar0est surface area 'air" s2in" nails" s!eat 0lands $rotection Re0ulates 1ody temperature $revents !ater loss $roduce vit. D precursors

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