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LISTENING You will hear a report on the sub e!t o" the relationship between the shape o" a person#s han$s an$ their personalit%& It will be rea$ to %ou twi!e& Listen !are"ull%' rea$ the instru!tions an$ !o(plete the notes&

Hands and Personality Now %ou (a% ha)e hear$ it * sai$ that %ou !an tell a lot about a person b% the shape o" their han$s& +e are not tal,ing about pal( rea$ing or an%thing li,e that' we (ean the a!tual shape o" the han$s an$ "ingers& +ell' be"ore we in)estigate whether there is an% s!ienti"i! basis "or this ,in$ o" anal%sis' let#s ust run through a "ew o" the !lai(s that are (a$e about the lin, between han$ shape an$ personalit%& -irstl%' there#s the s.uare han$& Now the !lai( here is that people with s.uare han$s' b% whi!h we (ean where the pal( o" the han$ is s.uare "ro( the wrist up to the "ingers' that these people ten$ to be argu(entati)e b% nature& +hate)er %ou sa%' the% are li,el% to $isagree with %ou' whi!h !an be "un i" %ou#re also li,e that' but it !an get tireso(e i" %ou#re not& These are also people who get bore$ easil%' it is sai$' who soon go o"" things' an$ other people' when the% no longer present a !hallenge& So %ou ha)e to wor, har$ to ,eep their attention& Then we ha)e the people with what are !alle$ pointe$ han$s& Now these are long thin han$s whi!h are toppe$ o"" with e.uall% long an$ thin "ingers that !o(e to a point& These people' it is allege$' are "ull o" intuition' the%#re people who !an see through things )er% easil%' an$ the%#)e also got a great sense o" hu(our whi!h (a,es the( "un to be with' but onl% i" %ou#re lu!,% be!ause the% also ten$ to li,e their own !o(pan%& Now the thir$ t%pe o" han$ is !alle$ the spatulate han$& The pal( is broa$ an$ the "ingers are blunt rather than !o(ing to a point& An$ these blunt*"ingere$ t%pes are sai$ to be "aith"ul an$ !onsi$erate& These people will ta,e %our )iews into !onsi$eration an$ be lo%al "rien$s' although the% $o ha)e a ten$en!% to be tal,ati)e& So' i" %ou "in$ it har$ to get a wor$ in e$gewa%s with !ertain people' ta,e a loo, at their han$s an$ %ou (ight ust "in$ the% "it the $es!ription& -inall%' we ha)e the !oni!al han$& This is where the pal( gets thinner towar$s the top an$ the "ingers "or( a ,in$ o" !one shape& These' the% sa%' are (ess% in$i)i$uals' the ones who ne)er !lean up a"ter the(sel)es& These people alwa%s hope that so(ebo$% else is going to (a,e the e""ort an$' reall%' although the%#re .uite !apable o" loo,ing a"ter the(sel)es i" it !o(es to it' the% rarel% show (u!h originalit%' an$ so the%#re better o"" with so(eone aroun$ to suggest new i$eas to the(& So' those are the "our han$ t%pes an$' "or what it#s worth' the personal !hara!teristi!s that are (eant to go with the(&


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