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Name: Group: "ate:

course 2012-2013

Irregular verbs list. Initial test SMX - M9 nglis! Mar#:

1. Complete the table with the missing forms or meaning of the irregular verbs (90 points). Infinitive 1 2 3 + , . / 0 9 10 11 12 13 1+ 1, 1. 1/ 10 19 20 21 22 23 2+ 2, 2. 2/ 20 29 30 $e )ome $ecome )ost $egin )ut $ite "o $rea# "ra' $ring "rin# $uil1 "rive $u4 at )atc! 7all )!oose 7ig!t 9urt 7in1 :eep 7l4 :no' 7orget *eave Get *et Give Past simple %as&'ere came became )ost began cut $it "i1 bro#e "re' $roug!t 1ran# $uilt "rove boug!t 5te caug!t 8ell )!ose 7oug!t 9urt 7oun1 :ept 8le' :ne' 7orgot le8t Got *et gave Past participle been come become cost begun cat bitten 1one $ro#en 1ra'n broug!t "run# $uilt 1riven $oug!t aten caug!t 7allen c!osen 8oug!t 9urt 8oun1 #ept 7lo'n #no'n 8orgotten *e8t Got let Given Translation ser( estar venir *legar a ser( convertirse costar empe-ar cortar mossegar !acer romper 1ibui2ar 3raer( llevar beber construir con1ucir comprar men6ar )oger( atrapar caer escollir luc!ar !erir trobar Guar1ar(;ue1arse volar con<i2er( saber olvi1ar "e6ar( salir aconseguir "e6ar(permitir 1ar

Infinitive 31 32 33 3+ 3, 3. 3/ 30 39 +0 +1 +2 +3 ++ +, *ose Go Ma#e See Meet 9ave =ut 9it >un Sen1 S!oot S!o' S!ut Sleep Sit *ost 'ent

Past simple

Past participle *ost gone Ma1e seen met 9a1 put !it >un Sent s!ot S!o'n S!ut slept Sat Ir

Translation per1re 9acer( 8abricar veure ncontrarse(conocer tener posar golpear )orrer enviar "isparar(8ilmar Mostrar tancar 1ormir sentarse

ma1e sa' Met !a1 =ut !it ran Sent S!ot s!o'e1 S!ut Slept sat

2. Complete the following sentences with the correct form of the verb (10 points) %e ?cancel@ cancele1 t!e installation because t!e server 'as !aving problems. S!e ?1elete@ 1elete1 t!e 8iles so t!at nobo14 coul1 retrieve t!e in8ormation. I still 1onAt #no' '!4 4ou ?a11@ a11e1 so man4 a1s in 4our 'ebsite. Bur boss ?not-sen1@ 1i1nAt sen1 us an4 ;uestions about t!e ne' application. 9e ?not-8orget@ 1i1nAt 8orget to paste t!e a11ress 8rom t!at source in t!e report.

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