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Jouph S. Renzulli/Robert K. Hartman

Student Name Teacher(s) Date Evaluation Completed

Grade School Age (Year/Month)

Read each statement carefully and place an X in the appropriate place according to the following scale of values: 1 - Seldom or never 2 - Occasionally 3 - Considerably 4 - Almost always

LEARNING CHARACTERISTICS 1. Has unusually advancedvocabularyfor age or gradelevel;usestermsin a meaningfulway; hasverbal behaviorcharacterizedby "richness"of expression,elaboration,and fluency. ! 2. Possessesa large storehouseof informationabout a variety of topics (beyond the usual interestsof youngstershis/herage), 3. Has quick mastery and recall of factual information. 4. Has rapid insightinto cause-effectrelationships; triesto discoverthe howand why of things; asksmany provocativequestions(as distinctfrominformationalor factualquestions);wants to knowwhat makes things(or people) "tick." 5. Has a readygraspof underlyingprinciplesand can quicklymakevalidgeneralizationsabout events, people,or things;looksfor similaritiesand differencesin events,people,and things. 6. Is a keen and alert observer;usually"sees more"or "getsmore"out of a story,film,etc., than others. 7. Readsa great deal on his/herown; usuallyprefersadult-levelbooks;does notavoid difficult material; may showa preferencefor biography,autobiography, encyclopedias, and atlases. 8. Tries to understandcomplicatedmaterialby separatingit into its respectivepads; reasons thingsoutfor himself/herself;sees logicaland common-senseanswers.
Column SUBTOTAL Weight ! x4 (Add Across for Total Score) WEIGHTEDTOTAL x3 x2 xl


1. Bec_mesabs_rbed andtru_y inV__Vei d ncertaint_pics_r pmb_ems ;ispersistentinseekingtask completion.(It is sometimesdifficultto get him/herto move on to anothertopic.) 2. Is easilyboredwith routinetasks. 3. Needs littleexternalmotivation to followthroughin work that initiallyexciteshim/her. 4. Strives toward perfection; is self-critical; is not easily satisfied with his/her own speed or products. 5. Prefers to work independently; requires little direction from teachers. 6. _sinterestedinmany"adu_t__pr_b_emssuchasre_igi_n_p__itics_sex'race-m_rethanusua_f_r age level. 7. Often is self-assertive (sometimes even aggressive); stubbom in his/her beliefs. 8. Likes to organize and bring structure to things, people, and situations. 9. Is quite concemed with right and wrong, good and bad; often evaluates and passes judgment on events, people, and things. SUBTOTAL
Column Weight x4 x3 x2 xl

(Add Across for Total Score) WEIGHTED TOTAL TOTA, [ ]

OVER forcontinuation


Joseph S. Renzulli/Robert K. Hartman

Student Name Teacher(s) DateEvaluation Completed

Grade School Age (Year/Month)

Read each statement carefully and place an X in the appropriate place according to the following scale of values: 1 - Seldom or never 2 - Occasionally 3 - Considerably 4 - Almost always

LEARNING CHARACTERISTICS 1. Has unusually advanced vocabulary for age or grade level; usesterms in a meaningfulway; has verbal behavior characterized by "richness" of expression, elaboration, and fluency. 2. Possesses a large storehouse of information about a variety of topics (beyond the usual interests of youngsters his/her age). 3. Has quick mastery and recall of factual information. 4. Has rapid insight into cause-effect relationships; tries to discover the how and why of things; asks many provocative questions (as distinct from informational or factual questions); wants to know what makes things (or people) "tick." 5. Has a ready grasp of underlying principles and can quickly make valid generalizations about events, people, or things; looks for similarities and differences in events, people, and things. 6. Is a keen and alert observer; usually "sees more" or"gets more" out of a story, film, etc., than others. 7. Reads a great deal on his/her own; usually prefers adult-level books; does not avoid difficult material; may show a preference for biography, autobiography, encyclopedias, and atlases. 8. Tries to understand complicated material by separating it into its respective parts; reasons things out for himself/herself; sees logical and common-sense answers. SUBTOTAL
(Add Across for Total Score) Column Weight WEIGHTED TOTAL TOTAL[ x4 x3 x2 xl



1. Becomesabsorbedandtrulyinvolvedin certaintopicsor problems;is persistentin seekingtask completion.(It is sometimesdifficultto get him/her to move on to anothertopic.) 2. Is easily boredwith routinetasks. 3. Needs littleextemal motivationto followthroughin work thatinitiallyexcites him/her. 4. Strives toward perfection;is self-critical; is not easily satisfiedwith his/her own speed or products. 5. Prefersto work independently; requireslittle directionfrom teachers. 6. Isinterestedin many "adult"problemssuchas religion, politics,sex,race- morethanusualfor age level. 7. Often is self-assertive(sometimeseven aggressive); stubborn in his/herbeliefs. 8. Likesto organizeand bringstructureto things,people, and situations. 9. Isquite concernedwith rightand wrong,goodand bad;oftenevaluatesand passesjudgment on events,people, and things. SUBTOTAL
(Add Across for Total Score) Column Weight WEIGHTED TOTAl x4 x3 x2 ! xl

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