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Large Group Time (Circle Time) Planning Form Name: Michelle Iaquinta Date: December 3 !


Length o$ large group time: #% minute& to !" minute& 'i(e o$ group: #)*!+ ,i-& Activities/Purpose: .cti0it/ 1# o Fir&t I 2ill bring in &ome cat puppet& an- tal, 2ith the chil-ren through the puppet3 o I cho&e thi& acti0it/ becau&e I belie0e chil-ren learn more 2ith puppet&3 I 2ant the chil-ren to learn in$ormation about cat& in a $un 2a/ that 2ill ha0e them interact 2ith e0er/one3 .cti0it/ 1! o Ne4t I 2ill rea- 5Three Little 6itten&7 b/ Paul Gal-one3 o I cho&e thi& acti0it/ becau&e thi& 2ill be a $un 2a/ $or chil-ren to be able to interact an- &ee ho2 much the/ remember about the &tor/3 .cti0it/ 13 o Ne4t I 2ill bring a $lannel boar- $or chil-ren to recreate the &tor/3 o I cho&e thi& acti0it/ becau&e I 2ant the chil-ren to comprehen- 2hat the/ are learning ane4plain 2hat happene-3 The chil-ren 2ill al&o be communicating 2ith their $ello2 peer&3 Tran&ition .cti0it/ o Finall/ I 2ill en- m/ circle time an- tran&ition the chil-ren b/ &eparating the chil-ren into t2o group&: the lion& an- the tiger&3 The lion& 2ill go 2ith a teacher to one &mall group acti0it/ an- the tiger& 2ill come 2ith me to another &mall group acti0it/3 o I cho&e thi& tran&ition acti0it/ becau&e it i& a lot more organi(e- than ha0ing the chil-ren run aroun- to a -i$$erent acti0it/3 Thi& 2ill cau&e le&& con$u&ion an- let the chil-ren tran&ition nicel/ to the ne4t acti0it/3 .ge o$ chil-ren: + /ear& ol-

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