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HEALTH SAFETY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MANAGEMENT PROGRAM Course Profile This course highlights the importance of health ,safety

and environmental practices at the workplace, techniques for reducing risks and preventing accidents in workplace, development of best-in-class health, safety and environmental management system, methods for reducing the occurrence of ill-health and environmental hazards arising from workplace conditions, and improvement in health, safety and environmental culture of an organisation.

Course Objectives At the end of the course, participants should be able to do the following: Identify key hazards in workplace Identify importance of health and safety rules Design safe practices and procedures Implement best-in-class standards in health and safety management give you a basic understanding of the principles behind the derivation of standards for health and environmental protection equip you with the analytical skills to examine reports on such issues suggest a hierarchy for risk management in health, safety and environmental protection show you how to develop integrated safety, health and environmental management enable you to plan for an emergency. Establish and execute risk assessment programmes Conduct health and safety auditing Apply health and safety law

Course Content 1. Health ,Safety and Environmental management system at Workplace 2. Ergonomics and Work Station Design 3. Using Protective Equipments at Work 4. Prevention of Accidents, illHealth and environmental harzards at Workplace 5. Health ,Safety and environmental Auditing 6. Health and Safety Risk Assessment 7. Occupational Health 8. Work Equipment and Industrial Hazard

9. Health and Safety Law

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