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CHDV 150 Introduction to Curriculum Small Group Activity Form

Name of Activity: Do you hear that? Curriculum Area: Social Studies Length of Activity: 15-20 Minutes Learning Ob ectives !s"ecify at least three#: $he chil% &ill be able to communicate &ith their "eers about the %ifferent soun%s of these big cats' !Measure 1(: Language of conversation#' $he chil% &ill be able to com"are the features of cats to their o&n features' !Measure )1: *ngagement an% "ersistence#' $he chil% &ill be able to ta+e turns using the C,-s an% su""lies' !Measure 5: $a+ing turns#' Material.*/ui"ment Nee%e%: 0ictures of cats' 1oun%s of %ifferent ty"es of cats' 0a"er 0encils 1tuffe% animal cats 2oo+s &ith "ictures of big cats 3ea%"hones C% "layer 0lastic fish 0re"aration !4hat %o you nee% to %o beforehan%5#: 6 &ill "re"are a C, for the chil%ren to listen to the %ifferent cat noises' 6 &ill %evelo" some "ictures of cats for chil%ren to s"ot the %ifferences bet&een him.herself an% the cats' 6 &ill nee% to ma+e sure that the "lastic fish are clean an% "lace% in the correct area' 0roce%ures !ste" by ste"# 7 2e 1"ecific 82eginning !3o& &ill 6 intro%uce activity5# I will introduce the activity during circle time. I will also introduce the items by bringing the stuffed animal cats into circle time for children to hold and tell me if they have ever seen a big cat up close before. By asking the children to start making cat noises will help the children want to learn about the different noises of the different cats. Not each child will sound the same which will show the children how each noise is different from the rest. I will get them started by having the children compare the similarities between themselves and the cats. 8Mi%%le: !3o& &ill 6 su""ort.enhance.scaffol%5# 7 $he "erson rea%ing your lesson "lan shoul% be able to i%entify &hat you are saying or %oing to su""ort your state% learning ob ectives' $361 61 9*:; 6M0O:$AN$'

To support each child I will help engage the children by asking him!her to e"plain the features of cats and what features are similar to him!herself. #$hat do you see that is similar to you and this cat?% #$hat is the same between yourself and this cat?% I also will bring out books with pictures of big cats to help the children spot the similarities between themselves and the cats. I will ask open&ended 'uestions such as #So what do you see that is the same?% #I can see the cat has a tail do you have a tail?% #I can see that there is a lot of similar things between you and this cat. (an you count how many there are?% By letting children work together to spot the similarities and differences will help the children to get more ideas on how they are not so different from these big cats. By asking each child what makes them similar from the cat it engages the children to contribute his!her own ideas. )ne way to enrich this e"perience is by hearing the different noises that cats make. This will show how cats have differences and similarities *ust like them. To support each child I will need to help them learn how to take turns and share without throwing a tantrum. Since there is going to be only going to be one set of headphones and one cd player the children will need to share. I will ask and tell the children #$ell it looks like there is only one set of headphones and one cd player what do you think we should do?% #I see that someone else is using the cd player why don+t we look at some more pictures till this person is done? Sound like a good idea?% To support each individual child I need to make sure that each child has their own stuffed cat so that none of them feel left out. I want each child engaged in this activity and they each need their own stuffed cat. To support the child learning how to communicate with their fellow peers I will help children engage in a conversation. ,or e"ample #I see that -ohnny is having a difficult time over there do you think you can help him?% I will also support the children by asking open ended 'uestions such as #$hat do you think the tigers will be eating today?% #.ow much do you think these cats eat everyday?% I want all the children to get involved. If a child is having a difficult time I will first see if another child can help them. If the children can not seem to help him I will further assist the child.

8*n%: !3o& &ill 6 bring this activity to a conclusion an% transition to the ne<t activity5 2e very s"ecific in ho& you &ill transition the chil%ren'# I will give the children a five minute warning before we clean up. )nce the five minutes is over the children will sing the clean up song and start to clean up to get ready for something else. $hen the children are getting ready to go to the ne"t activity he!she will bounce like a rabbit and try to see who could *ump the fastest. Since I plan on revolving this thematic unit on play I want the children to be able to have fun. This will engage the children in a fun transition to the ne"t activity. The children will be having a snack *ust like the big cats. The children will be eating goldfish and drinking milk. I want the children to see their world in the eyes of cats by using their imaginations. # $hroughout the %ay.&ee+= &hat o""ortunities &ill the chil%ren have to reflect bac+ on this activity5 Throughout the day the I will refer to a certain type of cat and ask the children to mimic the noise that he!she heard to see if the child understood the activity. I will also ask the children what makes themselves similar to the cats that they were shown by referring to the books that I had showed them earlier. The children can also write in their *ournals what they remember that is similar between them and the cats. 25.25 J

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