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Han Dynasty

Wen came to power and maintained the Mandate of Heaven, stating that he was chosen by the Gods to rule

Silk Road is opened up by Zhang Qian in the western Han Dynasty

Emperor Wu starts military campaigns against the Xiongnu.

The Han Dynasty is faced with various political and social conflicts after Emperor Wu dies.

A eunuch named Cai Lun came up with an innovation that would be valuable for learning, he invented paper

206 BC AD AD

180 BC

141 BC

133 BC

109-91 BC

87 BC

AD 9

AD 105

Liu Bang creates the Han Dynasty after the Qin Dynasty collapses

Wudi becomes emperor and a civil service system is developed

Sima Qian writes the Records of the Grand Historian which gives a vast general history of China that covers a period of over 2,000 years

Wang Mang briefly seizes control.

Han Dynasty collapses.

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