MEP2 Week6 Term2

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Sitapatr School Anuban Weekly Outline

Teacher: Julie and Adam Class: MEP2 Week: 6 Dates: 09.12.13-13.12.13

This week we are learning:

Circle Time Review This week during circle time we are g ing t ha!e a "un and e#citing new week learning e!er$thing in the theme " %hristmas. &u'er sim'le %hristmas s ngs will (e intr duced t the students ) s me " which the$ will alread$ (e "amiliar with s the$ sh uld (e a l t m re enthusiastic. E#am'les include *Jingle +ells, *-ittle &n w"lake, and *Merr$ %hristmas,. Vocabulary: Christmas (week 2

Christmas (1/2)
Activity Time

-ast weeks acti!it$ classes g t disru'ted little (it due t da$s "" and als a ' wercut. & we ne!er g t t "inish making ur (um(le(ees (ut alas this week this is g ing t (e ur main 'ri rit$. /ith the t ilet r lls that the students ha!e alread$ (r ught it we will 'aint the 0( d$1 $ell w and then glue n the 'recut (lack stri's. This is g ing t take u' ur acti!it$ less ns getting ur (um(le(ees c m'leted. The students will en2 $ seeing the "inal 'r ducts. 3" we ha!e s'are time we are g ing t 'la$ a num(er " %hristmas music and acti!ities t g with it.

Review This week we will c ntinue ur re!iew " all the letter names and s unds. The students ha!e (een getting (etter s we will (e a(le t m !e thr ugh them "aster this week. !ew (letters"soun#s"vocabulary This week we will c ntinue ur (lending " 3 letter w rds. /e are d ing )an4 can5 'an5 man5 "an5 ran6 and )a'4ca'5 sa'5 ma'5 ta'5 ra'5 7a'6

Writing $ractice This week we will (e "inishing ur writing 'ractice ( k.

%ight Wor#s /e will start ur "irst set " sight w rds this week8 he5 she5 $ u5 run5 am5 in5 it and is

$arent &ollow '( " 'se)ul Websites " *omework:

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