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Topic Outline I. Background A. Definition of Contraceptives B. Types of Contraceptives 1. Condoms 2. Cervical cap 3. Spermicide . I!D ".

#ral Contraceptive C. Classification of #ral Contraceptives 1. Com$ined #ral Contraceptive 2. %rogestin #nly #ral Contraceptive II. &egative 'ffects of #ral Contraceptives A. Adverse %(ysical 'ffects

1. &ausea 2. Di))iness 3. *allstones . +ypertension B. Adverse 'motional 'ffects 1. ,ood S-ings 2. .oss of .i$ido 3. Depression . An/iety C. +ig( 0isk of *etting Cancer 1. Cervical Cancer 2. Breast Cancer

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