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BENEFITS OF RECYCLING People are finding ways to exploit natural resources without running them to depletion.

A process called recycling has been employed to change the used material (waste) into new products to avoid waste of potential useful material. This method is being applied more widely due to its obvious benefits for natural resource efficiency, environmental conservation and economic welfare. First, recycling helps prevent wasting natural resources. ew manufactures can be made from used products through the process of recycling instead of using fresh raw material ta!en from natural resources, thereby ma!ing use of them more effectively. "oreover, to produce the same amount of products, the ordinary producing process usually costs more energy than the process of recycling. For examples, one tone of recycled papers may saves #$ trees, $%%% gallons of water, and enough energy to power the average &.'. household in ( months. 'econd, recycling is proved more eco)friendly compared with conventional waste treatments. Traditional waste treatment including combustion and landfilling have a greatly negative impact on the environment. *andfilling causes water and soil contamination while the combustion results in greenhouse gases emissions. +ecycling, on the other hand, hardly has environmental costs, thus it is a perfectly alternative waste disposal method. *ast but not least, recycling brings about economic benefits. +ecycling industry creates new business for waste sorting, transporting, and manufacturing products made from recycled materials. Therefore, it offers thousands of -obs per year. +ecycling also saves a significant amount of money cost by other waste treatments such as landfilling costs and the hidden costs of air and water pollution. As a result, recycling is a specifically efficient measure of waste disposal in big cities, where land is scarce and could be used for more profitable purposes. .n short, recycling offers undeniable advantages. .t is expected to contribute to a cleaner and more civili/ed community. 0ence, the recycling trace to wide public acceptance is in an attempt to process to all corners of the world.

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