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Submitted by: Angelo S. Alaba Andrianne . A!an"ado

Submitted to: Pro#. S$erro Lee Arellano % Lagrima& 'ay (() *+(,


Title Fly Title Page Table o# Content& Li&t o# Figure& To-i. Outline Introdu.tion Background Definition of Contraceptives Types of Contraceptives Classification of Oral Contraceptives Reasons why women must minimize taking oral contraceptives Negative Physical ffects to the Body Negative ffects on the motional !spect of the Body "igh Risk of #etting Cancer Re#eren.e& A--endi.e& A--endi/ A 0 Table o# To-i. Outline A--endi/ 1 0 Inter!ie2&

i ii iii

1( 0 Letter& to Inter!ie2ee& 1* 0 Inter!ie2 S.$edule& 2it$ Signature& 1, 0 Ta-e&.ri-t& 13 0 Pi.ture o.umentation o# Inter!ie2ee& A--endi/ C 0 Sur!ey C( 0 A .o-y o# Sur!ey 4ue&tionnaire C* 0 Tabulated Re&ult& C, 0 Vi&ual& C3 0 Pi.ture o.umentation A--endi/ 0 All -rinted Primary Sour.e&

Negative Effects of Oral Contraceptives It i& not al2ay& .lear 2$y -eo-le al2ay& try to .ontrol -regnan.y. E!en in t$e early .i!ili"ation) t$e -eo-le de!elo-ed &e!eral met$od& in order to -re!ent .on.e-tion. T$e&e met$od& did not re5uire tool& and e5ui-ment& and t$u& .alled natural met$od&. A -o&&ible rea&on 2$y -eo-le al2ay& try to .ontrol -regnan.y i& t$at t$e .ou-le& do not 2ant it une/-e.tedly. Anot$er -o&&ible rea&on i& t$at e/-ert& al2ay& attribute -regnan.y to t$e in.rea&e in -o-ulation) and t$e in.rea&e in -o-ulation al2ay& lead& to -o!erty. A& a re&ult) many re&ear.$er& $a!e indulged t$em&el!e& into re&ear.$ing #or met$od& t$at 2ould -re!ent .on.e-tion. T$e go!ernment al&o -arti.i-ated in -romoting .ontra.e-ti!e& t$ey 2ant to -rote.t t$e e.onomy o# t$eir .ountry. A& our te.$nology i& ad! many met$od& 2ere being di&.o!ered. One o# t$e&e i& t$e oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. T$e&e oral .ontra.e-ti!e& or t$e &o .alled 6t$e Pill7 in (89+:& earned many .om-liment& and .riti.i&m o# !ariou& &.ienti&t&) go!ernment o##i.ial& and e!en .ommon -eo-le. T$e&e -ill& are 2idely u&ed by 2omen in t$i& generation in.luding our #riend&) relati!e&) and -o&&ibly our -arent&. o# t$e&e t$e re&ear.$er& aim to $el- t$eir #riend& and relati!e& by -ro!iding reliable in#ormation about oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. Furt$ermore) t$i& to-i. 2a& .$o&en t$e re&ear.$er& are intere&ted on t$e #ield o# $ealt$ and medi.ine 2$i.$ are related to t$eir di&.i-line. 'any .laimed t$at oral .ontra.e-ti!e& .an lead to and ot$er di&ea&e&. ue to t$e&e) oral .ontra.e-ti!e& are di##erent Among all #rom t$e ot$er ty-e& o# .ontra.e-ti!e& in term& o# t$e number o# ad!er&e e##e.t&. cancer, cause physical discomfort and diseases, and alter personality. T$i& -a-er -re&ent& t$e di&.u&&ion on t$e ad!er&e e##e.t& o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e& in t2o -art&. T$e #ir&t -art -ro!ide& a ba.;ground: t$e de#inition and ty-e& o# .ontra.e-ti!e& and t$e de#inition and .la&&i#i.ation o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. T$e &e.ond -art #o.u&e& mainly on t$e negati!e e##e.t& o# t$e oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. In order to get -rimary data #or t$i& &tudy) a &ur!ey on Oral Contra.e-ti!e&: E##e.t on <our =ealt$ 2a& .ondu.ted on 'ay (%3) *+(, at di##erent -la.e& $ere in umaguete. T$i& &ur!ey u&ed (*+ re&-ondent&: T$e re&-ondent& 2ere 2omen aging (9%>+ t$ey are t$e only -o&&ible u&er& o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. O# t$e (*+ &ur!ey 5ue&tionnaire&) only ((+ 2ere u&able ?&ee A--endi/ C*@. 'oreo!er) inter!ie2& 2ere .ondu.ted 2it$ r. Aenni#er G. Lu"ano%'ere.ido) #amily medi.ineB internal medi.ine &-e.iali&t o# =oly C$ild =o&-ital on A-ril ,+) *+(, and '&. 'yra Amorio Nar.i&o) a mid2i#e a&&igned on t$e #amily -lanning room o# t$e City =ealt$ o##i.e on 'ay ,)*+(,. r. Aenni#er 'eri.ido) a #amily medi.ineB internal medi.ine &-e.iali&t at =oly C$ild =o&-ital de#ine& .ontra.e-ti!e& a& met$od& to -re!ent -regnan.y ?*+(,@. C$ile a..ording to A&.$enbrenner and

contraceptives, oral contraceptives pose the most danger to women because they increase probability of

Venable) 6Contra.e-ti!e& are #orm& o# e&trogen and -roge&terone) u&ually in .ombination. T$ey are admini&tered orally and by a number o# ot$er route& . . .7 ?*++8) ((>,@. Alt$oug$ t$eir idea& are not .ontradi.ting) t$ey are totally di##erent #rom ea.$ ot$er. A&.$enbrenner and Venable de#ine .ontra.e-ti!e& a..ording to it& .om-o&ition. I# e/amined .lo&ely) t$e de#inition o# r. 'eri.ido i& .learer t$an A&.$enbrenner:& and Venable:&. It i& due to t$e #a.t t$at $er de#inition i& &ome2$at a..e-table to a -er&on:& under&tanding. In addition to t$at) $er de#inition i& li;e a deri!ation #rom t$e 2ord .ontra.e-tion it&el#. One .an ea&ily &ee t$at t$e 2ord .ontra.e-tion .an be di!ided into t2o 2ord&: t$e -re-o&ition .ontra and t$e root 2ord .on.e-tion. I# t$eir meaning i& .ombined) t$e re&ulting -$ra&e 2ill be 6again&t -regnan.y7. Furt$ermore) r. 'eri.ido mentioned t$e 2ord 6met$od&7 2$i.$ mean& -ro.e&& or te.$ni5ue&. T$ere#ore .ontra.e-ti!e& a& de#ined by r. 'eri.ido are di##erent te.$ni5ue& again&t -regnan.y. A&.$enbrenner and Venable:& de#inition i& more te.$ =o2e!er) t$ere &eem& to be a -roblem on t$eir de#inition. T$ey a&&o.iated t$e term .ontra.e-ti!e& 2it$ t$e $ormone& -roge&terone and e&trogen only. T$eir e/a.t -oint i& t$at .ontra.e-ti!e& are deri!ed only #rom e&trogen and -roge&terone. r. 'eri.ido relate& .ontra.e-ti!e& a& met$od&) t$e de#inition o# A&.$enbrenner and Venable are la.;ing #or .ontra.e-ti!e& do not .ome #rom e&trogen and -roge&terone only and t$at t$ey $a!e di##erent ty-e& t$at do not .ontain e&trogen and -roge&terone. =o2e!er) A&.$ebrenner and Venable:& de#inition i& &till .annot be .on&idered 2rong. 1a&ed on t$e -re!iou& de#inition) one .an &ay t$at .ontra.e-ti!e& are mainly #or -re!enting t$e &-erm .ell to #ertili"e t$e egg .ell. It 2a& &imilar to 2$at Le$ne ?*++D) -.D*+@ &tated) t$at .ontra.e-tion u&ually $a--en& 2$en t$e meeting o# t$e &-erm .ell and t$e egg .ell i& inter#ered during #ertili"ation -ro.e&&. Furt$ermore) t$i& &tatement 2a& &trengt$ened by Ao&e-$ine 1arne& &aying) 6T$e aim o# .ontra.e-tion i& to -re!ent #ertili&ation E&i.F or im-lantation7 ?(8D9) 9@. T$e &tatement& o# Le$ne and 1arne& are &imilar #or t$ey bot$ de&.ribe $o2 .ontra.e-ti!e& 2or;. T$ey $a!e t$e &ame -oint t$at t$e #un.tion o# .ontra.e-ti!e& i& to -re!ent #ertili"ation. =o2e!er) in $er &tatement) 1arne& added t$e term 6im-lantation7. 1a& it re#er& to t$e im-lantation o# t$e #ertili"ed egg to t$e uteru&. T$u&) t$e .ontra.e-ti!e& not Gu&t -re!ent t$e meeting o# t$e &-erm .ell and egg .ell) but al&o -re!ent t$e de!elo-ment o# t$e #ertili"ed egg by -re!enting it to be im-lanted on t$e uteru&) t$e &our.e o# nutrient& o# t$e #ertili"ed egg. ue to t$e ad!an.ement o# te.$nology) t$ere are many ty-e& o# .ontra.e-ti!e& t$at are being di&.o!ered andBor in!ented. T$i& re&ear.$ only di&.u&&e& t$e more .ommon ty-e&. T$e&e in.lude .ondom&) .er! .a-) &-ermi.ide&) IH ) and oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. T$e mo&t a..e&&ible o# t$em all i& t$e .ondom. T$e .ondom i& a t$in &$eat$) made o# late/) r. 'eri.ido:& de#inition !ie2& .ontra.e-ti!e&: general -ur-o&e) 2$i.$ i& to -re!ent -regnan.y 2$ile

-olyuret$ane) or lamb:& inte&tine t$at #it& .om#ortably o!er t$e -eni&. It& main -ur-o&e i& to tra- t$e eGa.ulated &-erm&. Condom& o##er -rote.tion again&t ST & ?Le$ne) *++D) D,+@. Anot$er de&.ri-tion by =ar-er ?(8I,) ,*%,,@ &tate& t$at .ondom i& t$e only barrier met$od #or men. Alt$oug$ e##e.ti!e) t$ere are &ome di&ad!antage&: It redu.e& &en&ation) #reely mo!able) and $ard to di&-o&e. =o2e!er) .ondom& -ro!ide a good -rote.tion again&t !enereal di&ea&e&. In addition to t$e -re!iou& de&.ri-tion&) =ale& ?(88D) *I(%*I*@ &tated t$at .ondom& are a barrier ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e t$at 2or;& by ;illing t$e eGa.ulated &-erm by t$e &o%.alled &-ermi.ide. T$ey are .ommonly made o# late/ but later -olyuret$ane 2a& introdu.ed. Condom& are about I+J to I>J e##e.ti!e. T$e t$ree de&.ri-tion& abo!e $a!e t2o .ommon idea&. Fir&t) .ondom i& a barrier ty-e .ontra.e-ti!e. It blo.;&) tra-& and ;ill& t$e eGa.ulated &-erm be#ore entering into t$e !agina. Se.ond) .ondom& o##er -rote.tion again&t !enereal or &e/ually tran&mitted di&ea&e& ?ST @. E/am-le& o# t$e&e di&ea&e& in.lude =IV) =e-atiti& 1) gonorr$ea) et.. 1ot$ Le$ne and =ale& di&.u&&ed about late/) being t$e -rimary material o# .ondom&. On t$e ot$er $and) =ar-er and =ale& di&.u&&ed about t$e e##i.a.y o# .ondom&. 1a&ed on t$eir de&.ri-tion&) .ondom& .an be .on&idered a& e##e.ti!e ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e&. =ale& mentioned t$e term &-ermi.ide&. S-ermi.ide& are ot$er ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e& and it 2ill be di&.u&&ed later. On t$e ot$er $and) =ar-er mentioned t$e di&ad!antage& o# t$e .ondom&. 1a&ed on $i& de&.ri-tion) t$e&e di&ad!antage& $a!e no maGor e##e.t and damage in our $ealt$. Furt$ermore) $e a&&ured t$at .ondom& .an -rote.t t$e u&er #rom !enereal di&ea&e&. T$u& 2e .an in#er t$at .ondom& are good .ontra.e-ti!e&. Anot$er ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e i& t$e .er! .a-. A..ording to Le$ne ?*++D) D,+@) t$e .er! .a- i& a .u-%&$a-ed de!i.e t$at #it& .om#ortably o!er t$e .er!i/ and i& $eld in -la.e by &u.tion. T$e #ailure rate #or -arou& 2omen i& 3+J 2$ile #or nulli-arou& 2omen i& *+J. Anot$er de#inition by =ar-er ?(8I,) ,*%,,@ &tate& t$at .er! .a- blo.;& only t$e .er!i/ and i& $eld in -la.e by &u.tion. It in$ibit& t$e &-erm to -a&& t$roug$ 2it$out u&ing &-ermi.ide. T$ere are ad!antage& but are being out2eig$ed by t$e di&ad!antage&. T$e&e di&ad!antage& #o.u& mainly on t$e $andine&& o# t$e e5ui-ment. In addition to t$e de&.ri-tion& gi!en abo!e) a &mall yet u&e#ul de&.ri-tion gi!en by =ale& ?(88D) *I>@ &tate& t$at a .er! .a- i& a #emale ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e t$at .an bot$ blo.; and ;ill &-erm .ell&. Alt$oug$ t$ere i& no .ommon idea bet2een t$e t$ree) bot$ Le$ne and =ar-er de&.ribed t$e lo.ation o# t$e .er! .a-. 1a&ed on t$eir de&.ri-tion&) 2e .an in#er t$at .er! .a- i& lo.ated o!er t$e .er!i/ and i& $eld in -la.e by &u.tion. Alt$oug$ Le$ne did not gi!e u& $o2 .er! .a- #un.tion&) $e ga!e u& u&e#ul in#ormation about $o2 e##e.ti!e i& t$i& ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e. 1a&ed on $i& &tatement) 2e .an &ee t$at it i& not !ery e##e.ti!e on -arou& 2omen. Parou& i& t$e term gi!en to 2omen 2$o $ad already gi!en birt$ to a .$ild. =o2e!er) on nulli-arou& 2omen) t$e e/a.t o--o&ite o# -arou& 2omen) it i& .on&iderably e##e.ti!e. On t$e ot$er

$and) ba&ed on t$e de&.ri-tion by =ar-er) 2e .an &ee t$at t$ere are more di&ad!antage& o# u&ing t$i& ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e t$an t$e ad!antage&. =o2e!er) t$e di&ad!antage& a##e.ting t$e $ealt$ o# t$e 2omen are only #e2. T$ere#ore) 2e .an in#er t$at .er! .a-& are good .ontra.e-ti!e&. Anot$er ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e t$at i& .ommonly u&ed toget$er 2it$ .ondom or .er! .a- i& t$e &-ermi.ide. A..ording to Le$ne ?*++D) D*8@) &-ermi.ide& are admini&tered in !ariou& #orm&. T$e&e #orm& in.lude #oam) gel) Gelly) &u--o&itorie&) !aginal #ilm) and .ontra.e-ti!e &-onge. S-ermi.ede& are #airly e##e.ti!e 2$en u&ed alone. =o2e!er) it i& more e##e.ti!e 2$en it i& u&ed 2it$ ot$er barrier met$od& li;e .ondom& and dia-$ragm. T$ey 6;ill &-erm& by de&troying t$eir .ell membrane7. 'oreo!er) &-ermi.ide&: &ide e##e.t& are #e2. =ar-er ?(8I,) ,,%,3@ al&o &tate& t$at mo&t o# t$e barrier met$od& #or u&e by 2omen) in!ol!e& u&ing &-ermi.ide&. S-ermi.ide& are .om-o&ed o# t$ree .la&&e& o# agent&: &ur#a.e a.ti!e agent&) ba.teri.idal agent&) and S-ermi.ide& .an be e##e.ti!e i# u&ed -ro-erly. Furt$ermore) t$ey are &a#e ) readily a!ailable) .on!enient to u&e and $a!e -rote.ti!e a.tion again&t !enereal di&ea&e&. In order to #un.tion 2ell) t$ey need ade5uate time #or di&&olution. In addition to t$e -re!iou& de&.ri-tion&) '.Kenry) Te&&ier and =ogan ?*+++) I++@ &tate t$at &-ermi.ide& are #orm o# .ontra.e-ti!e t$at mainly u&e& a 6!e$i.le7 li;e Gellie&) .a- and ot$er de!i.e&. =o2e!er) it .an be u&ed alone. S-ermi.ide& #un.tion by terminating t$e &-erm .ell& e!en be#ore t$ey rea.$ t$e uteru&. T$e .ommon idea among t$e t$ree i& t$at &-ermi.ide&: main #un.tion i& to ;ill &-erm .ell& t$at enter a 2oman:& body in order to -re!ent #ertili"ation. 'oreo!er) Le$ne and =ar-er de&.ribed t$e degree o# &a#ety in u&ing t$e -rodu.t. 1a&ed on t$eir &tatement&) &-ermi.ide& are &a#e to u&e and $a!e only #e2 &ide e##e.t&. On t$e ot$er $and) ba&ed on t$e de&.ri-tion o# Le$ne and '.Kenry) Te&&ier and =ogan) t$ere are !ariou& #orm& o# &-ermi.ide&) t$u& 2omen .an .$oo&e 2$at #orm& are t$ey .om#ortable o#. Furt$ermore ba&ed on t$e de&.ri-tion o# =ar-er) &-ermi.ide& .an al&o $el- to -rote.t 2omen #rom !enereal di&ea&e&. Ne/t are t$e intrauterine de!i.e& or IH . A..ording to =ale& ?(88D) *ID@) Intrauterine de!i.e& are ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e) u&ually by a &tring t$at i& to be in&erted to t$e uteru& o# t$e 2omen. IH 2or;& by -re!enting t$e im-lantation o# an egg .ell. Anot$er de#inition o# IH by Ri..i and Kyle &aying)7 Intrauterine &y&tem& are &mall -la&ti. T%&$a-ed obGe.t& t$at are -la.ed in&ide t$e uteru& to -ro!ide .ontra.e-tion. T$ey -re!ent -regnan.y by ma;ing t$e endometrium o# t$e uteru& $o&tile to im-lantation o# a #ertili"ed o!um by .au&ing a non%&-e.i#i. in#lammatory rea.tion7 ?(**@. Furt$ermore) a &im-le yet !ery $el-#ul de#inition by 1arne& ?(8D9) D@ &tate& t$at) intrauterine de!i.e& 2or;& by -re!enting t$e im-lantation o# egg .ell) t$i& de!i.e i& u&ually made eit$er o# -la&ti. or metal. T$e intrauterine de!i.e al&o ;no2n a& IH i& anot$er ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e t$at i& in&erted in t$e

uteru& o# t$e 2omen a& &tated by =ale& and Ri..i. T$e .ommon goal o# t$e uterine de!i.e a& mentioned

by t$e t$ree &our.e& i& t$at it #un.tion& by -re!enting t$e im-lantation o# t$e egg .ell in t$e uteru&. A& &-e.i#ied by Ri..i and Kyle t$e intrauterine de!i.e -re!ent& t$e im-lantation o# t$e egg .ell by mean& o# a in#lammatory rea.tion. T$e la&t ty-e o# .ontra.e-ti!e i& t$e oral .ontra.e-ti!e 2$i.$ i& t$e &ubGe.t o# t$i& &tudy. Fir&t o# all) let u& #igure out 2$at oral .ontra.e-ti!e i&. A..ording to r. 'eri.ido) oral .ontra.e-ti!e& are .ontra.e-ti!e& in #orm o# tablet& t$at .ontain $ormone& u&ed #or -re!enting -regnan.y ?*+(,@. C$ile Ki&tner de&.ribe& t$at -ill& #un.tion by &to--ing t$e relea&e o# egg .ell& and alter or modi#y t$e lining o# t$e uteru& &o t$at t$e egg .ell 2ould not in#u&e. A& t$ere are more #orm& o# .ontra.e-tion) t$i& re&ear.$ -a-er #o.u&e& more on oral .ontra.e-ti!e& and it& &ide e##e.t&. To ;no2 more about t$i& r. 'ere.ido) de#ined oral .ontra.e-ti!e& a& ty-e o# .ontra.e-tion t$at ta;e& t$e #orm o# a tablet or a -ill. S$e al&o mentioned t$at it .ontain& $ormone& #or t$e -re!ention o# -regnan.y. A..ording to Ki&tner) t$e #un.tion o# t$e&e -ill& i& to alter or modi#y t$e lining o# t$e uteru& &o t$at t$e egg .ell 2ould not in#u&e. 1a& t$ere are t2o .la&&i#i.ation& o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e. A..ording to 'yra Nar.i&o) a mid2i#e in .$arge o# t$e #amily -lanning room o# t$e City =ealt$ O##i.e) oral .ontra.e-ti!e& are .la&&i#ied into t2o: t$e PoP or t$e -roge&tin only -ill& and t$e CoC or t$e .ombined oral .ontra.e-ti!e& ?*+(,@. Furt$ermore) Le$ne ?*++D) D**@ al&o $a& &imilar &tatement &tating t$at oral .ontra.e-ti!e i& .la&&i#ied into t2o .ategorie&) one i& t$e .ombination oral .ontra.e-ti!e 2$i.$ i& .om-o&ed o# bot$ e&trogen and -roge&tin $ormone) and t$e -roge&tin only .ontra.e-ti!e t$at .ontain& only -roge&tin $ormone. T$eir idea& are ba& t$e &ame. Furt$ermore) Le$ne:& &tatement -ro!ide& a ba.;ground about 2$at doe& .ombined oral .ontra.e-ti!e& .ontain: -roge&tin and e&trogen. T$e #ir&t .la&&i#i.ation o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e& i& t$e .ombined oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. A..ording to 1arne& ?(8D9) (8%**@) .ombined oral .ontra.e-ti!e& i& made u- o# oe&trogen and -roge&togen&. Oe&trogen #un.tion& by in.rea&ing t$e #luid &e.reted by t$e .er!i/) enlarging t$e endometrium a& 2ell a& t$e !aginal e-it$elium. T$ey al&o in$ibit t$e relea&e o# FS= and L=. Oe&trogen in.rea&e& blood .oagulability and glu.o&e metaboli&m. Proge&terone .ountera.t& t$e e##e.t& o# oe&trogen& &u.$ a& .$ange in endometrium) and ri&e o# body tem-erature during -regnan.y and men&truation. Furt$ermore) Le$ne ?*++D) D**@ &aid t$at in .ombination oral .ontra.e-ti!e) it i& di!ided into &ubgrou-& t$at di##er in t$e amount o# -roge&tin $ormone. 'yra Nar.i&o al&o &aid t$at .ombined oral .ontra.e-ti!e& &$ould be ta;en regularly. =o2e!er) t$e CoC i& not ad!i&able #or 2omen 2$o need to brea&t#eed it .an .au&e t$e di&a--earan.e o# mil;. T$e de&.ri-tion& $a!e entirely di##erent -ur-o&e. 1arne&: de&.ri-tion i& to -ro!ide t$e reader& t$e in#ormation o# t$e .om-o&ition o# .ombined oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. In $er de&.ri-tion) t$e term oe&trogen

and -roge&togen are ba& t$e &ame a& e&trogen and -roge&tin re&-e.ti!ely. 1a&ed on $er de&.ri-tion&) -roge&tin& &er!e a& antagoni&t o# e&trogen&. Furt$ermore) t$e #un.tion o# e&trogen i& to en&ure t$at t$e &ite& and &our.e& o# nutrient& o# t$e egg .ell i& damaged or de&troyed. T$i& i& to ma;e &ure t$at t$e egg .ell .an neit$er be #ertili"ed nor mature. On t$e ot$er $and) t$e -roge&tin a..ording to 1arne&) .ountera.t& t$e e##e.t& o# t$e e&trogen& in order to maintain e5uilibrium in t$e body. Le$ne:& de&.ri-tion Gu&t added &ome additional in#ormation about .ombined oral .ontra.e-ti!e& T$e &e.ond .la&&i#i.ation i& t$e -roge&tin only oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. A..ording to 1arne& ?(8D9) (8%**@) -roge&terone only -ill& a.t by -re!enting o!ulation. Proge&terone& #un.tion by t$i.;ening t$e .er! mu.u& &o t$e &-erm and egg .ell 2ould not meet. Furt$ermore 'yra Nar.i&o) added t$at -roge&tin only -ill& .annot a##e.t t$e -rodu.tion o# mil; o# t$e mot$er. T$e .ontinual u&e o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e& -o&e& a t$reat to 2omen:& -$y& 2ell%being. 1a&ed on t$e &our.e& gat$ered in our re&ear.$) t$e mo&t .ommon #orm -$y& abnormalitie& $a--ening in 2omen:& body are 2eig$t gain) nau&ea) and &ore brea&t ? Ki&tner) (899) --.(9%(D @. T$e &ame goe& #or '.Kenry) 2$o enumerated nau&ea) brea&t di&.om#ort and gaining o# 2eig$t a& &ide e##e.t& o# ta;ing in oral .ontra.e-ti!e& ? '.Kenry) *+++) -.D*9 @. A &our.e ta;en #rom t$e internet &-e.i#ied t$at t$e inta;e o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e& lead& to di""ine&&) $eada.$e) lig$t$eadedne&&) &toma.$ a.$e or nau&ea. It 2ill al&o .au&e &e!ere de-re&&ion) ba.; -ain) .$e&t -ain) lum-& in t$e brea&t) and Gaundi.e o# t$e &;in ?internet@. Nau&ea) t$e #eeling o# di&gu&t in our &toma.$ i& greatly indu.ed by t$e inta;e o# a &ynt$eti. e&trogen $ormone. T$i& di&order Enau&eaF o..ur& during t$e ( &t mont$ o# u&age and 2ould gradually de.rea&e later on ? Ki&tner) *+++) --.9I%98 @. T$e u&e o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e& $arm& t$e -$y& 2ell%being o# a -er&on. Nau&ea) &ore brea&t) di""ine&&) and 2eig$t gain are re-eatedly mentioned abo!e. Oral .ontra.e-ti!e& .au&e& nau&ea t$roug$ 2omen:& intoleran.e to t$e $ormone .alled e&trogen 2$i.$ i& -re&ent in t$e -ill. i""ine&& 2$en ta;ing t$e -ill i& .au&ed by t$e inta;e by 2omen 2$o are al&o e/ $y-erten&ion &in.e t$i& t2o &$are t$e &ame e##e.t .Sore brea&t or lum-ing in t$e brea&t i& .au&ed due to t$e !arying $ormone le!el& 2$en 2omen ta;e t$e -ill. To &im-ly -ut it) t$e&e &ide e##e.t& 2ill 2or&en 2$en t$ere i& an o!erdo&e o# ta;ing t$e -ill. T$e &ide e##e.t& o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e& mentioned earlier are &till la.;ing) one o# t$e&e i& t$e #ormation o# gall&tone& in t$e bladder. Oral .ontra.e-ti!e& do $a!e &ome ot$er &ide e##e.t&) and one o# 2$i.$ i& t$e #ormation o# gall&tone& .au&ed by t$e attra.tion o# .$ole&terol to t$e $ormone& o# t$e oral .ontra.e-ti!e& ? internet @. T$i& i& al&o &u--orted by anot$er &our.e &aying t$at) gall &tone& are .reated by t$e imbalan.e o# $ormone& in t$e u--er region o# t$e li!er 2$i.$ i& t$e gall bladder. Peo-le 2$o are &u&.e-tible to gall &tone #ormation& are t$o&e 2$o are -regnant) t$o&e 2$o u&e oral .ontra.e-ti!e& and

t$o&e 2$o $a!e diabete& ? internet @. A& &tated abo!e) gall&tone& are -rodu.t& o# an imbalan.e le!el o# $ormone& in t$e li!er. Gall&tone& are #ormed by t$e attra.tion o# t$e .$ole&terol 2$i.$ &olidi#ie& in t$e gall bladder o# t$e $ormone& introdu.ed by t$e -ill. Cit$ t$i& -eo-le o# all age& are &u&.e-tible to gall&tone&. And la&tly one o# t$e .ommon -$y& &ide e##e.t& .au&ed by oral .ontra.e-ti!e& to 2omen i& $y-erten&ion. Oral .ontra.e-ti!e u&er& e/-erien.e mild $y-erten&ion o#ten time&. T$e &y&toli. a& 2ell a& t$e dia&toli. blood -re&&ure o# t$e&e 2omen &lig$tly in.rea&e #or about ( mm =g ?Craig L Stit"el) (883) -.D>9 @. About >J o# 2omen u&ing oral .ontra.e-ti!e& 2a& ob&er!ed to $a!e $y-erten&ion regardle&& o# t$e amount o# do&age gi!en ? '.Kenry) *+++) -. D*9 @. T$ere $a!e been an in.rea&ed in.iden.e o# $y-erten&ion among 2omen 2$o u&e oral .ontra.e-ti!e& a!eraging #rom , to 9 time& t$an t$o&e 2$o do not u&e .ontra.e-ti!e& ? Le$ne) *++D) -.D*3 @. =y-erten&ion or $ig$ blood -re&&ure i& .au&ed by t$e di&turban.e o# e&trogen to t$e ot$er -ro.e&&e& o..urring in t$e arterie&. =y-erten&ion $a& * ty-e& t$e &y&toli. or .ontra.tion o# t$e $eart and dia&toli. t$e rela/ation. =y-erten&ion i& a re!ol!ing #a.tor t$at .an .au&e &tro;e in t$e #uture i# not ta;en .are o#. T$e ri&; o# $a!ing $y-erten&ion i& in.rea&e by , to 9 time& 2$en ta;ing oral .ontra.e-ti!e& a& &tated by Ri.$ard Le$ne. A& t$ere are many -$y& &ide e##e.t& t$at are .au&ed in relation to t$e u&e o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e&) a &imilar &.ale o# damage i& al&o #elt by t$e emotional a&-e.t o# t$e $uman being. From a dire.t e/-erien.e) Amy) a .ollege &tudent narrated t$at &$e e/-erien.ed de-re&&ion) an/iety and mood &2ing) a& 2ell a& being #orget#ul) $a!ing a $ard time to &lee- and di##erent de-re&&i!e &tate o# mental 2ell%being ? internet @. A..ording to r. 'ere.ido) &$e enumerated &ome &ide e##e.t& o# u&ing oral .ontra.e-ti!e& one o# 2$i.$ i& mood &2ing. Comen tend to $a!e $ig$er tem-er and one o# t$e -robable .au&e o# t$i& i& $eada.$e) an ad!er&e -$y& e##e.t. e-re&&ion i& al&o anot$er emotional &ide e##e.t t$at li;ely to o..ur on 2omen ta;ing t$e -ill& ? r. 'ere.ido) *+(,@. Peo-le $a!ing an/iety di&order are &een a& .on!ul&i!e) &tre&&ed and t$ey lo&e .om-o&ure. Sub&tan.e& t$at indu.e an/iety are &timulant&) oral .ontra.e-ti!e&) $allu.inogen&) in&ulin) and anti$i&tamine ?'ayer) *++>) -.(+D@. T$e emotional a&-e.t o# a -er&on i& al&o a##e.ted by t$e u&e o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. e-re&&ion)

an/iety) and mood &2ing are .ommonly mentioned abo!e. T$e&e emotional di&order& are triggered by t$e $ormone& -re&ent in t$e -ill& t$at di&ru-t t$e normal balan.e o# $ormone& .ontained in t$e body. In addition to t$e &ide e##e.t& mentioned abo!e t$e lo&& o# &e/ual de&ire al&o termed a& libido i& .ommon among 2omen 2$o u&e oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. One o# t$e emotional &ide e##e.t o# ta;ing a -ill i&

t$at it le&&en& t$e &e/ual dri!e o# 2omen t$at lead& to an un$a--y marriage and lo&& o# 2ell%being ?Ki&tner) *+++) -.(D@. 1a&ed on &ur!ey .ondu.ted) t$ere are about ,(J o# regular -ill u&er& $a!e de.rea&ed in libido 2$ile *3J $a!e t$e o--o&ite. T$e de.rea&ed o# libido i& due to -ain#ul #eeling o# .$ildbirt$) #ear o# and #ear o# blood .lot ?Ki&tner) *+++) --.(8I%*+(@. A..ording to '.Kenry) $e &aid t$at) 6Ma redu.tion in libido i& o..a&ionally a -roblem and may be a .au&e #or &ee;ing an alternati!e met$od o# .ontra.e-ti!e7 ?'.Kenry) *+++) -.D*8@. Oral .ontra.e-ti!e& al&o a##e.t& t$e &e/ual de&ire& o# 2omen. A& mentioned abo!e t$ere are about ,(J o# 2omen 2$o $ad -roblem& 2it$ lo&& o# libido 2$ile a rate o# *3J $ad t$eir libido in.rea&ed 2$en ta;ing t$e -ill. T$e .au&e o# t$e de.rea&ed o# libido among 2omen i& t$at t$ey #ear t$e -ain o# .$ild bearing and .$ild birt$) t$e ri&; o# and o# blood .lot 2it$ t$e&e 2omen are lead to un$a--y marriage. Oral .ontra.e-ti!e& $a!e a terri#ying &ide e##e.t t$at .ould re&ult to a &e!ere &u##ering and t$at i& Oral .ontra.e-ti!e& -rote.t& 2omen again&t o!arian and endometrial but it $a& an ad!er&e e##e.t on t$e ri&; o# .er! 2$i.$ tend& to in.rea&e li;ely to 2omen 2$o $a!e $uman -a-illoma!iru& ?Le$ne) *++D) -.D*>@. T$ere i& an in.rea&e o# ri&; #or .er! #or 2omen 2$o u&e oral .ontra.e-ti!e&. T$e&e ri&;& are dy&-la&ia and .ar.inoma in%&itu 2$i.$ i& .ommonly .au&ed by t$e $uman -a-illoma!iru&) t$e u&e o# barrier ty-e o# birt$ .ontrol and &mo;ing ? '.Kenry) *+++) -.D*I@. Comen 2$o ta;e in oral .ontra.e-ti!e& #or about > or more year& are -rone to an in.rea&e in t$e ri&; o# .er! =o2e!er t$e di&.ontinue u&age o# oral .ontra.e-ti!e 2ould gradually lo2er t$e ri&; o# o!ertime. Comen 2$o $a!e =PV or $uman -a-illoma!iru& and are ta;ing oral .ontra.e-ti!e& #or more t$an 9 year& greatly in.rea&e t$eir ri&; o# by t$ree #old& or more ? internet @. Cer! i& a ri&; 2$en ta;ing in oral .ontra.e-ti!e& #or a !ery long time. Regardle&& t$at -ill& .an lo2er t$e ri&; o# $a!ing o!arian and endometrial $i& doe& not $el- 2$en a long term u&age o# -ill& 2ould Gu&t lead to anot$er #orm o# =uman -a-illoma!iru& greatly a##e.t& t$e ri&; o# $a!ing .er! a& mentioned by Ri.$ard Le$ne and '.Kenry. T$i& .an be -re!ented i# di&.ontinue o# u&age i& done earlier on. E&trogen) a $ormone u&ually in .ombination 2it$ -roge&tin to be u&ed #or .ontra.e-ti!e -ur-o&e&) $a& been &u&-e.ted o# $a!ing .ar.inogeni. e##e.t t$at 2ould ta;e e##e.t a#ter *+ year& ?'ear&) (899) -.,,@. A..ording to r. 1ertam G. Kat"ung) a -ro#e&&or o# -$arma.ology in Hni!er&ity o# Cali#ornia &tated t$at) 6M&tudie& $a!e &$o2n an in.rea&ed ri&; in 2omen and it Ebrea&t .an.erF i& -o&&ible t$at tumor& de!elo- in younger 2omen..7 ?Kat"ung) (88>) -. 9*,@. T$e gro2t$ o# brea&t among 2omen 2$o u&e oral .ontra.e-ti!e& are .au&ed by too mu.$ e/-o&ure o# t$e brea&t ti&&ue to $ormone& and

mo&t 2omen 2$o &tarted ta;ing t$e -ill at a young age $a!e an in.rea&e in t$e ri&; o# $a!ing a brea&t ?internet @. =ormonal imbalan.e& in t$e body -rodu.e negati!e &ide e##e.t&. 1rea&t mo&t .ommon among 2omen i& e/-erien.ed by &ome -ill u&er&. T$e ri&; o# $a!ing a brea&t i& in.rea&ed 2$en 2omen ta;e oral .ontra.e-ti!e& at an early age. 1rea&t i& .au&ed by too mu.$ e/-o&ure o# t$e brea&t ti&&ue to &ynt$eti. $ormone& -rodu.ed by t$e -ill&. CONCLUSION

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