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Voluntary Sport OLDHAM- Lets Get Oldham Coaching Programme

Lets Get Oldham Coaching Guidance

Voluntary Sport OLDHA has secured !unding to pro"ide a coach education !und !or its mem#ers$ %he !unding allo&s coaches to access up to '()) to&ards the cost o! an *G+ coaching ,uali!ication$ Coaching courses '-) !or *+G Le"el . and '()) !or *G+ le"el ( When is it available? /rom .st Septem#er ().0 August ().1 2year .34 .st Septem#er ().1 August ().- 2year (3 and .st Septem#er ().- August ().5 2year 03$
6 Coach needs to #oo7 coaching course directly &ith organisation running the course$ Oldham Sports De"elopment ta7es no responsi#ility #oo7ing courses !or coaches$ 6 A Lets Get Oldham Coaching application !orm needs completing #y coach !or e"ery course including &hy they need ,uali!ication and ho& it &ill support local community$ %his must also #e signed o!! #y the clu# 6 Attend and participate in the agreed course 8 sports ,uali!ication 6 9egister and complete coach pro!ile on &&&$coachinggreatermanchester$co$u7$ 6 :nput .) hours 2le"el .3 and (- hours 2le"el (3 o! "olunteer hours on &&&$coachinggreatermanchester$co$u7 6 :n!orm Oldham Council ale;$!rost<oldham$go"$u7 i! you are una#le to complete your ,uali!ication or "oluntary hours$ 6 Coach needs to supply proo! o! completion o! the course$ 6 Clu# 8 organisation must #e !ully constituted as payment cant #e sent to the indi"idual coach$ 6A A=: > O/ 0 APPL:CA%:O*S P?9 @?A9 P?9 CL>+ /O9 L?V?L . A*D - APPL:CA%:O*S P?9 @?A9 /O9 %H?

AHOL? *?%AO9B /O9 L?V?L ( 6 Courses need to start a!ter the #egin date o! the !unding$ *o courses can #e !unded retrospecti"ely 6 Clu#s must #e a mem#er o! VSO in order to apply- mem#ership process a"aila#le on re,uest$ /ailure to complete the course and8or "olunteer hours 2i! appropriate3 may result in non-payment !or the !unding o! the course :! you need !urther in!ormation please contact ale;$!rost<oldham$go"$u7 or ).5.-CC)-.51.

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