Learning Activity Creative - Process Art - Sheri Johnson

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Name:Sheri Johnson
Description of Activity: Painting and decorating mini pumpkins

Site: Imagination Station Child Care

Type of Activity: Creative Process Art Age group: !" yrs old Num#er in group: "

$pening %uestion&Invitation&Prop&'inger Play:

Concepts , Skills: Children should #e a#le to point out that pumpkins is a kind of fruit (hat is a pumpkin) -ist some of the different things that can (hat are some different things you can #e made *ith pumpkins: pie. cookies. do *ith a pumpkin) #read and soup (here do you think they gro*) Descri#e *here pumpkins gro* Do you think a pumpkin+s outside is hard Children *ill demonstrate creativity or soft) Practice eye and hand coordination The children practice sharing and *orking together %uestions to ask: (hat kind of food is a pumpkin) (hat things can *e make to eat out of a pumpkin) (here do you think pumpkins gro*) 0aterials Needed: Assorted paints Assorted color glitter Paint #rushes Small pumpkins Ne*spaper (ater cups Art smocks Paper to*els

Procedure: Spread ne*spaper out on the art ta#le 'ill small cups of different color paints for each child -et each child pick out a pumpkin /ive each child an assortment of paint #rushes -ay out an assortment of colored glitter for the children to use /ive each child a cup *ith *ater to rinse their #rushes Performance Standards:
IV) Approaches to learning B.EL.2 Expresses self creatively through music, movement and art. 12plores the process of using a variety of artistic materials. music and movement

Potential /uidance Techni3ues Needed:

Children can hold the mini pumpkin and feel its te2ture4 Children can discover the different art supplies and feel them *ith their fingers #efore they #egin to decorate them4

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