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AITA, Fall 2u1S Naiianna Be Naual

Week 2: Iueal Reseaich Focus 0utsiue the visual Aits

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I wish I knew moie about 4#.)-(*1#5*#. If I weie gianteu an all expenses paiu
"ieseaich sabbatical" I woulu like to stuuy how the human biain iecoius anu iecalls
memoiies. In paiticulai, I woulu like to stuuy the iole that emotions (anu emotional
languages like music) play in this piocess. Also, I woulu be inteiesteu in leaining
some of the techniques that neuioscientists use in theii tests. Such as PET (Position
Emission Tomogiaphy) scans, which show how the biain anu its tissues aie
woiking, EEu (Electioencephalogiam), which iecoiu the electiical signals of the
biain, anu BCI (Biain Computei Inteiface) which is useu to ieau emotions fiom
biain's activity.
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1.PET (Position Emission Tomogiaphy)
AITA, Fall 2u1S Naiianna Be Naual
Week 2: Iueal Reseaich Focus 0utsiue the visual Aits

2.EEu (Electioencephalogiam)

S. BCI (Biain Computei Inteiface)

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