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Behavior Contract

A contract is a written agreement between a student and a teacher that is directed toward
changing the youngster's behavior. It is a motivational device in which you agree to provide a
reward to the student if s/he completes a designated task or displays a certain behavior. The
selected behavior is usually one that is exhibited less frequently than you would
desire. Therefore, you offer an incentive to the student to increase the occurrence of that
behavior. The contract outlines time or amount constraints, the reinforcer to be administered, and
any other necessary conditions. Most contracts are positively oriented. That is, they reward
success, but offer no consequences for failure. However, some do include penalty clauses to
punish the student if s/he fails to meet stated expectations.


The following is an agreement between ___________________________________ and

The terms of the agreement are as follows:
The student
will _________________________________________________________________________.
In return, the teacher
will _________________________________________________________________.
The following conditions apply:

This contract is rendered null and void if the student fails to achieve the designated goal. The
contract will be reviewed on: (date)
Student signature_________________________________
Teacher signature________________________________
Witness signature________________________________


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