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Natalie Jeremijenko

AITA week 10: Artists working with living systems or genetics:

Natalie Jeremijenko - Bio

Artist and engineer. Born in 1966 in Australia Background: studies in biochemistry !hysics neuroscience and !recision Work Focus: society " environment " engineering. technology Active member o# the$$movement $

The Environmental Health Clinic. !Clinic

The Environmental Health Clinic. "No#ark%

Bureau o$ %nverse Technolog&'

htt!:&& The Bureau is an in#ormation agency servicing the In#ormation Age. This collective creates devices and situations #or the !ur!ose o# gathering overlooked #acts.

Bureau o$ %nverse Technolog&' ()ne Tree*s+,

Bureau o$ %nverse Technolog&' ()ne Tree*s+,

Bureau o$ %nverse Technolog&' "Tree -ogic%$

Bureau o$ %nverse Technolog&' "Tree -ogic%$

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()*linic Bureau o# Inverse Technology +,, -ro.ect *ross/(0 1!ecies Adventure

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