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UnwindDiscussion QuestionsPart 1

1. How would you feel if you discovered you were going to be unwound? What would you do? If you didn't want to go along with it but couldn't run away like Connor and the others in the novel, what other options ight you have? !. How would you feel if you were in an accident, or had a rare disease, and you could be cured only if your da aged organs were replaced by parts taken fro unwound teens? What would you choose to do? What if you were certain to die if you refused the parts? What if it wasn't you, but so eone you loved "a parent, a sibling# who was in an accident? Would your answer be different? $. %ou &ust found out the person sitting ne't to you is going to be unwound. Co e up with ten good reasons why they should ()* be. +e e ber, their life ay depend on it, "If you happen to be sitting ne't to -rynley *ho as, you can reverse this, and instead list 1. reasons why this would be a good idea.# /. When do you think the story takes place? *he book never reveals the year. How any years in the future ight it be? What clues hint at how uch ti e has passed? What co panies or products are na ed? What societal nor s can you point to that have changed or re ained the sa e? What are the si ilarities between the world of 0nwind and our own world? What are the differences? 1. Which of the three ain characters, Connor, +isa, or 2ev, do you ost identify with? Why? What traits do you have in co on? Which of their traits work for the , and which ake their lives harder? Which of your own traits would you like to give up? Which would you want to keep?

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