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Yanai Perry Science 2 11.14.



Does increasing the amount CO2 increase the rate of

Hypothesis: If you double the amount of carbon dioxide from .5g of baking
soda to 1g of baking soda then the rate of photosynthesis will increase.

Photosynthesis is the process by which plants gain energy from sunlight and water. It does this by capturing sun light with a pigment called chlorophyll and getting water with a tissue called xylem, and getting CO2 from the air with tiny holes in leaves called stomata.

PROCEDURE FOR CARBON DIOXIDE (BAKING SODA) 1. Measure and cut at an angle elodea 7 to 9 cm. 2. Remove a few leaves from end of stem and slightly crush end of stem. 3. Measure mass in grams and record. 4. Put elodea stem side up in a test tube. 5. Fill test tube with water and baking soda solution (1 gram to 100 mL of water). 6. Put tube in rack and adjust lamp with blue light 5 cm from top of test tube. 7. Turn on lamp and wait 1 minute. 8. After 1 minute, begin counting small, medium and large bubbles for 3 minutes. Record data. 9. Repeat with with .5 grams and 100mL of water. 10. Repeat for Trial 2 DATA/OBSERVATIONS:
Trial 1 ___grams Oxygen Produced in 3 minutes at 5 and 10 cm

Small x 1 CO2 1 gram 1*1=1

Medium x 2 5*2=10

Large x 3 25*3=75

Total 86

.5 gram Notes:





Trial 2 _____grams Small x 1 CO2 1 gram .5 gram 5*1=5 46*1=46

Oxygen Produced in 3 minutes at 5 and 10 cm Medium x 2 2*2=4 5*2=10 Large x 3 0*3=0 0*3=0 Total 9 56

Trial 1 Trial 2 Total/2 Average

5cm 82 56


2013 AVERAGE DATA IN 3 MINUTES FROM 5 DIFFERENT CLASSES .5g CLASS PERIOD AVERAGES 1 2 3 4 6 7 TOTAL/5 Baking Soda 1g % Oxygen Decrease/Increase

108 69 33.7 23.7 26.3 3.8 264.5/6

139 47 26.5 14.3 36.3 72.8 335.9/6

28.7% 31.8% 21.3% 38% 1815.7%




Comparison of CO2
80 Average Oxygen in 3 Minutes 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.5g Baking Soda 1g 44.1 47 Period 2 7th Grade 69 56

Notes: Conclusion: In this lab I tried to find out if increasing the amount of CO2 near a plant increases the rate of photosynthesis. On average, 1g of baking soda instead of 0.5g increased the rate of photosynthesis from 44.1 to 56 however, only 50% of the elodea increased their rate of photosynthesis. The other 50%had their rate of photosynthesis decrease. There was one discrepancy in the data. Period 7 rate of oxygen increased from 3.8 with 0.5g of baking soda to 72.8 with 1g of baking soda. This was a 1815.7% increase. This test proved my hypothesis wrong. Out of the 7 tests, 4 of them did not show in increase in the rate of photosynthesis. Analysis: Looking at the data there were some inconsistencies. Period 1 had the largest numbers 108 to 139. Period 7 had an 1815.7% increase in oxygen production. Half of the elodea had an increase in oxygen production and half of the elodea had a decrease in oxygen production. The reliability of the experiment would be increased if a standardized measurement of oxygen were used. This lack of a standard measurement is probably what led to Period 7s strange results. BIBLIOGRAPHY

Coolidge-Stolz M.D., Elizabeth, et al. Focus On Life Science. Boston, Mass: Prentice Hall, 2008. Young, Paul. The Botany Coloring Book. Cambridge, New York: Harper and Row, 1982.

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