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The Dark World

As the boy strode across the road with his dog companion thinking thought hateful toward his family. He saw his house coming into view and entered, drenched in sweat from the long run. His mom yelled, Mark come in and eat, maybe did you forget about the fight? Mark said with anger I did, but you reminded. Mark stomped up the stairs thinking of his fight with older brother, his best friend. After coming of the shower, he had gone to bed early without dinner and wished with his whole heart for his family to be gone. The next morning Mark went to the lake to go for a swim before his family woke up. He had red trunk and a green and blue surfing shirt. He jumped into the crystal blue water, seeing a deep faint red light glowing at the bottom. As he saw the light, his lungs with dragging him up to the surface and wondered if his was going crazy still seeing the red light coming toward the surface and beams shining out the water. One of the beams struck him in the leg, burning the flesh of his leg. He felt the burning at his leg and it was so powerfully painful he jumped into the water the, toward the red light. He opened his eyes into the water and saw where the beams were coming from and swan toward to investigate. He saw fire under water coming from a sword the hilt was blood red with a handle made of gold. The beams fire were getting greater as he got closer, but mark did not notice his lungs were without air for to long. This did not matter fate had decided that Mark must fulfill his destiny. He was getting pulled toward the sword. He grabbed the sword and held it under the water. It felt right in his hands, the sword was pulling him up toward the surface. He saw a globe with rainbow beams coming from it he touched it. The globe exploded and threw his body like a ragdoll. The water rushed up his nose, as he flew out of the water he hit his head and a large stone rendering him unconscious

He woke up on a sandy beach with the smell of coconuts and seeing bazar sea creature that looked liked a sea serpent with slimy green scales and the smell of sea air. He still clutched the sword in his hands. He saw a figure in the distance that looked like a monk. With a fine carved cane. The monk said, You are here finally, com child. Mark replied, What do you mean, wait where are we. The Monk said, You are in the land Lugma, you where chosen by the oracle to save our world. Mark said. Ha ha so funny guys, wheres the camera, you can stop this prank now. Mark stumbled around clumsily looking through the dense brush for a no existence camera. The monk looked at Mark like he was crazy. The monk said, This is all real not fake and Im here to train you in swordsmanship and your fire powers within. The tow continued to converse in till Mark was convinced with evidence of an orange monkey with a purple tail and could speak in a very dead and different language. Mark said, So let my get this strait you are a thousand years old, and live in a temple against this evil wizard king named Zorak, and you also live with other old masters. And there are also more heroes. The monk replied, You forgot about the cube of the dimensional portal. Mark said, So thats the only way home, why cant there be a easier way. Wait a second I have my phone, shoot one percent battery Google where am I Google said in robotic voice Out side earth unknown location, Correction outside the known Universe, good bye. The Monk smiled and said, The robots is right, I have studied your world and watched daily life for you people of the Zegula dimension. At that monument Mark saw a picture of his family flash on the screen and then the phone died. Mark started eyes started tear, he through his smartphone into to the water, then a large bird with horns pick it up and fly off with a caw. The Monk and Mark walk slowly toward the temple and Marks jaw dropped opened. And walked over and entered his new assigned chambered and past out on to the soft bed and dreamed of home so far away if only he could go home. The next day, he woke up to a large dog if front of his face the dog and licked his face and

barked. Suddenly mark heard a weak voice from his mind, Child you have made it here Im Zorak and I will kill you and all of your friends in the temple prepare yourself for a untimely demise of your world. At that moment his room began to vibrate and he fell out of bed, Then it happened again then again he store out of his window and saw a fiery ball coming toward him he felt like a deer staring into headlight of a oncoming car. A man named Adam burst through the door and jumped and pushed himself, the dog, and Mark out of the way. He had knight armor and a long sword. Mark said, Who are you The man replied Adam youre newly restated guardian and that dog is yours now it choose you as a master, very rare in this world of ours. Mark come with me into the portal to get put of here Said Adam. Mark followed to the pool and jumped in the cool crystal blue pool, and he appeared in a room of six gemstones to destroy Zorak, he walked over and touched the stone of fire and he pulled it to his body and examined it then grabbed another, then another finally he grabbed all six and ran toward a door. The door slowly creaked opened into a blacksmiths room and saw ghost of one person of an older looking self of himself, he said, Come let me help you use the stones to get the weapon to destroy Zorak, he grabbed Mark be the arm and dragged him to a room with six spots for the stones and placed each one to its rightful place and a glorious weapon came down it was a sword perfect for mark height and strength he held it with great power. Something had made a hole from the bottom of the portal and arose it was Zorak. Zorak said, All this hope of yours makes me sick. And he released a fiery ball at Mark; Mark jumped out of the way and charged at Zorak who had just conjured a doubled sided axe. Mark slashed and got a piece of Zorak off his body, but the Zorak had hit mark in the back with a mighty blow. Mark collapsed onto the floor Zorak laughed and left Mark to die. Mark store at the weak wizard king Zorak as he had jabbed his sword through the body of the boney old man. He had waited five years for this moment to arise; he had led the rebellion than led to the downfall of the evil empire. His dog now a fierce warrior with plated armor on. Mark himself had gained much power over the time of five years. He had finally had peace with himself.

The next morning Adam came in to marks room and said, The portal to your home is now open only for today sir, it wont open in till fifty years have passed in your time. Mark said, Ok Im ready. He walked into the portal room and thought, should I really do this I have done so much here, Im greater here but then he thought of his family and walked through the portal. He awoke on the path he had ran on years ago, he looked at a car window at his reflection, he was young again his dog was right next to him. His phone had a full charge and his was only gone for an hour in his right world. He went home and took a shower and ate so much junk food his parents were looking at him crazily. He went to his bed and jumped on it. He felt something prick his back and under his blankets he found the sword he had killed Zorak with it was sheathed it had a note on it, Hello mark you made it home good for you, You have changed our world forever thank you, but remember be careful for what you wish for. The sword is an attached to you no one else can use it but you, and you forgot to bring it with you. Best regard, your Yoda master

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