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London is a country rich in museums. Here you can see a wide range of history, entertainment and scientific innovation.

One of them is London Science Museum, witch is a huge one -covering five floors. Each floor looks at a different aspect of technology and science using displays and interactive information. he ground floor looks at vehicles and space e!ploration. he first floor is dedicated to food, gas, structural metals and communications. On the second floor you can learn a"out nuclear power, printing and computing. he third floor looks at photography and optics with electricity and the top two floors concentrate on the science of medicine. he #ritish Museum, opened in $%&', houses a world collection of art and anti(uities from ancient and living cultures that spans two million years of history. here are over % million artefacts housed in the museum representing every history period from the )ikings to the *omans to the Egyptians and Medievel Europe with e!amples of pottery, +ewellery, statues, paintings, sculptures and many more. he ),- is the greatest museum of art and design, a world treasure house with collections of fa"ulous scope and diversity. he Museum holds over '... years worth of artefacts from many of the world/s richest cultures. he ),- museum houses art and design artefacts spanning '... years of history and from all corners of the world

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