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Anne Frank

Canby, Parker Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:27:29 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
June 30,1942
!ings have go"en so bad here in Ho#and $at now we
have % go in% hiding. I'm worried we might get caught, or
even worse, ki#ed by Hitlers men. Papa says we can only
&ake 'n $ings in our nap sacks. He also said we can't
&ake our pets. I'm going % miss my cat Naomi and my
dog Jake. I'm $ink I'm going % bring a radio so I can
hear what's going on in $e outside world, some clo$es so
(e ones I wi# wear when I go in% hiding don't get super
)me#y, food % eat, wa'r % drink, a sketch pad and pencil
)o I can sketch what I am $inking and feeling, a camera
)o I can document what is going on inside our hiding
*lace, and my favori' blanket so I can cuddle up when I
+eel scared or worried.
Yours, Parke,
Digital Journal #1
Canby, Parker Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:27:29 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
June 31, 1942
As I sit here in $e dark wai-ng for
.ommy % /nish dinner, I $ink about what we
left behind and what we only have now. I miss
.y pets and my 0iends and how I used % see
(em every single day but now, not at a#.
1oday I had % clean my room and help Poppa
2i$ making a shelf % put a# of $e pots and
*ans on. My sis'r, Grace, was reading $e whole
day. I asked Miep for some chocola' and colored
*encils so I could nibble on some$ing sweet,
because a# we eat is bread, beans, and some
3eggies but I want 0uit or at least some$ing
)weet. And $e colored pencils are for me %
)ketch wi$ in my diary. But I wouldnt need
any of $is if $e Nazis werent such idiots. Oh
2e# Bye.
Digital Journal #2
Canby, Parker Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:27:29 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
I am
The diary of sadness
Pim and Mummy play ball
Peter and Mr. Van Dann wear dresses
Dussel uses the bathroom and asks to many questions
Mrs. Van Dann fears pajamas
Kittys eyes left the room
Mrs. Van Danns birthday presents are coupons and cold ankles
Guns re at Mrs. Van Dann (I wish)
Hospital gentlemen discuss misfortunes
Take my advise the most stupid people are lazy
Anne Frank
Digital Journal #3
Canby, Parker Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:27:29 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
4ep'mber 27, 2013
5 want % '# you how people see me 0om $e outside and how
5 see me 0om $e inside. People see me as a kind and sorta
6nny person. But I see my self as % quiet or I dont s'p
away 0om $e line of understanding % of'n, like I learn $e
basics and if I enjoy it I wi# look 6r$er in% it but if I $ink
its ok or I like it but Im not great at it I wi# just s-ck wi$
2hat I know. Even if I have an opportuni7, like personal
8aining wi$ a coach for softba# I back away even $ough I
2ant %, but I just feel bad because it would be using my
+amilies money on some$ing I dont need $at much.
4ome-mes I $ink back when people where mean % o$ers or
.e and $ought of $ings I could of said ins'ad of me
backing away or crawling in% my own she#. Sadly I know if
5 8y and stand up for myself I end up in 8ouble. Some-mes
5 can be a leader or my inner adult comes out like when I
babysit, even $ough your pre'nding % be $e kids parents.
9hen group projects come up I act like $e boss (I have go"en
:a#ed on it) even when Im at 0iends house and $eir parents
ask $em % do some$ing and $ey sit $ere like couch pota%es
5 push $em a li"le % do what $ey are %ld. ;en $ey get a
li"le mad.
<ours 8uly,
Digital Journal #4
Canby, Parker Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:27:29 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
>ven $ough Anne Frank was born in 1929 she was similar % 'ens %day. Some examples are $at she is
in'res'd in her looks and how she appeals % guys I am qui' used % hiding my feelings... Wi# he ever
)ay any$ing? (191) Anne also dreams of $e 6ture and hopes for $e best. She is di?erent because she likes
:lassical music 0om Mozart and Bee$oven; most kids %day lis'n % pop or hip-hop. Its amazing how
.uch music has changed over $e years*. One obvious $ing in a way she is di?erent is how she dresses in
dresses where as %day we wear shorts and crop %ps** or how guys would wear slacks and a bu"on down
)hirt but now $e wear basketba# shorts and 'e shirts. ;e culture has changed so much $at some people
dont even recognize it anymore. Anne is not comple'ly di?erent, like how she wants % know about her
+amily and his%ry. Over a# Anne Frank is a in'res-ng person $at everyone would want % know about,
.aybe not every detail but s-# she is sort of normal 14 year old girl in her -me of 1943 but she wouldnt /t
in very we# in our -me of 2013.
** click below % hear a 1940s song and below $at a 2013 song!
Canby, Parker Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:27:29 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9
I am.
An enuless ocean, full of life anu colois
Like a cat who follows the ieu uot, foievei
Bieaming foi peace anu no haim
I am a paiiot flying thiough South Ameiica
Seeing eveiything I can see
I watch fiienus anu help them when it's iough
I am the solvei of pioblems
like Boiy anu how she just keeps swimming
. Paikei Canby
Canby, Parker Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:27:29 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:af:f3:b9

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