Dargo: Margo Mccullough

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Margo McCullough
McCullough, Margo Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:34 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:06:81


This image displays the location on which dargo will thrive, develop, and settle.

McCullough, Margo Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:34 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:06:81

As I walk through the wet grass little rain drops stick to the sides of my boots, I see trees swaying in the wind, plush bushes, sprouting plants, and perfectly formed mountains. I hear the sound of buffalo chewing on the perfectly cut grass, mountain lions roaring, and the wind whistling in my ear. I feel the cold wind and the misty air giving me chill. I look up at the deep blue sky with spotted clouds and then inhale the fumes of what nature has to give, the smell of tree bark and the cold wind swiping across my noise as the smell of fall leaves swiftly moves across my face.

I lather my ngers through the cold, stagnant river, as I watch the glistening water sparkle in the sunlight.

McCullough, Margo Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:34 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:06:81



I will insert a quote on environmental modications here and include a screenshot from minecraft.

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Human Changes to the Land

Figure 1.1

Insert caption later

Part I- Analysis of the Problem

The rst step in building a successful civilization is to secure basic human needs such as

food and water. Due to its geography, the major challenges the civilization of Dargo faces in achieving a basic food and water supply include the following:

McCullough, Margo

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:34 AM Pacic Standard Time


1. !!Finding and growing food have their challenges in Dargo. The rst issue is that there isnt much stone to make weapons to kill animals and their isnt much wood to make re to cook the food. Stated here, Dargos issues are similar to most of the Mesopotamians issues, On the plains, building supplies were difcult to nd. There were plenty of reeds (weeds that grow by the river). But there were few trees to provide wood. Even stones we scarce. (Frey 34). If we cant cook the food, people can get sick from the raw meat and die. The main sources of food, buffaloes, are extremely large and could be hard and dangerous to hunt and kill. You couldnt
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really domesticate a buffalo, so the buffalo source could run out fast. Most of the plain is dirt, and there is not much rich soil for growing crops; if we cant nd any soil then we can't grow crops and most of the civilization will starve. Our farming techniques are different from the Ancient Greeks because they had too little at ground and we had a lot of at ground, as stated in this quote, With so little at land available, Greek farmers had to think of the best ways to use the land they had. Some farmers built wide earth steps into the hills to create more at land for farming. (Frey 249)

teria from insects or animals. If people 2. !!Water is scarce in Dargo and we have to preserve it very carefully. First of all, the river that runs through our civilization is thin and shallow. If we use too much of it, our water source can run out, and if that happens we wont have any water to drink or for our crops. We have similar water problems to the Mesopotamians as stated in this quote. The rivers brought water to the plains when they ooded, must for most of the year, the soil was hard and dry. (Frey 34). We also arent sure if that water is completely free of parasites or bacdrink dirty water then they will become sick and most likely die. The ground of Dargo is also mostly yellow, which indicates the area is dry and rainfall doesnt occur much. If rainfall doesnt occur, the crops are going to have to completely rely on the thin, shallow river to supply all the water for crops. We need water to drink to keep hydrated and if that doesnt happen Dargo will crumble. Part II- Proposed Solutions Modications are steps you take to change your environment in order to make it work
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with the environment you have. An example of a modication is say that your environment had little rainfall; you could dig tunnels in the dirt to funnel all the water to the crops. This modication is important because all of the crops will get a reliable water source from the rain and we wont have to completely rely on the river. Its important for Dargo because if we use all the river water, we could run out of water extremely fast and all the citizens of Dargo will die.

fed. Its not possible to make wood and stone fall from the sky, so we would just have to use the wood and stone we nd in small portions or trade with other civilizations to get more, that issue is extremely hard to modify. The hunters we send out to hunt and kill buffalo would have to make the modication of placing buffalo skin on themselves to camouage to make it easier to sneak up on and kill the buffaloes with whatever weapons they had. If this modication succeeded, we would be able to kill buffaloes and other

1. !!Modications for food problems have to be done in order for our civilization to keep
McCullough, Margo Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:34 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:06:81

large animals a lot easier. Although Dargo is mostly at ground and has a lot of farming space, most of the ground is made up of dirt

and we dont have much rich farming soil. To modify that issue we will have to create some sort of shovels to dig into the dirt to see if we can nd some soil. If that doesnt work, we will have to water the plants a lot more? These modications need to be done to keep the people of Dargo fed, alive, and happy. 2. !!As I said before, water is scarce is Dargo, and we have to modify everything we can in order to keep our civilization hydrated and our crops healthy. One of our problems is that rainfall doesnt occur much and the river that runs through Dargo doesnt provide huge amounts of water. In order to use our little

rainfall, we are going to have to build catchment to catch the water from the sky and funnel it down to the crops. That way we can focus on using the river water for drinking. To make the river water drinkable, we are going to have to boil it using a re. This will make sure that water is free from diseases that could kill off Dargos population.

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Law & Government

add picture and caption later. QUOTE!!!!

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Maintaining Civil Order

Figure 2.1

Add caption later

Part I- Lessons on Democracy All civilizations had their ups and downs with how they ran their government. For in-

stance, Athens, was a representative democracy because they ran a Council of 500 where a few citizens, 30 years or older ran a day-today business of government, they came up

McCullough, Margo

Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:34 AM Pacic Standard Time


with the laws. After the laws were decided, they had a Athenian Assembly where 6,000 people had to attend and vote either yes or no, but everyone had the right to speak. Evidence is in this quote, The assembly debated and voted on laws proposed by the council. Every citizen had the right to speak at the assembly meetings. (Frey 261). Only citizens who were men 30 years or older could attend and vote. This was the way Athens ran their government for 3,400 years, its one of the world oldest cities. We can learn a lot of good things from the Athenian government. They were a successful government because every citizen had a say in what they thought of the
McCullough, Margo Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:34 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:06:81

law, and what laws were conrmed. The process of making laws are fair because people get to vote on what laws they think are the best. They were a representative democracy because they didn't let everyone vote, only male citizens. One problem with this government was that people kept starting things without nishing them and the citizens were easily talked into believing things that weren't always good. " Sparta was an oligarchy for most of its

time. They had a Council of Elders which was a group of 28 Spartan men and two kings who prepared the laws and had most power

in the government.You can nd evidence of this in this quote, "The council of elders had a real power in Sparta. it prepared laws for the assembly to vote on, and it had the power to stop any laws passed by the assembly that the council members didn't like. (Frey 265) Similar to the Athens, they held a Spartan Assembly where more Spartan male Citizens could come and only vote yes or no on the laws the Council of Elders decided. The issue with this is that the council of elders could just lead the citizens down the wrong path by saying something like, You either have to give me all your money or you will be put to death. The citizens need to be able to make
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their own laws. The good part about this is that there was. The good part about this was that the oligarchy was a step up from the monarchy. The Spartans were also efcient with their laws and did not persuade people to vote for foolish things. The Spartans started off with an oligarchy which we will not create in Dargo because the rich got richer and the poor got poorer and we do not want that in our civilization. " The Romans ran their government by

separating the roman citizens into two groups; patricians and plebeians.The plebeians were poor and made up most of Rome

where the patricians were rich and made up a small population. Evidence for this comes in this quote, But not all Romans were equal. Power in the early republic belonged to the rich men called patricians. The majority of Romans, the plebeians, had no say in the government. (Frey 317) They held a senate which was 300 men who ran the government in ancient Rome. But before that, they held a citizens assembly which was made up of Roman males. There, they passed laws that affected patricians and plebeians, elected consuls, and members of the senate. Consuls where 2 leaders of the senate who controlled the army and played other important roles. I
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think Rome did a great job with running their civilization and were organized. However, the plebeians didn't enjoy putting up with laws that only beneted to patricians. So therefore, they fell into the Conict of Orders where the plebeians fought against the patricians. That was one of the mistakes the Romans made because more than half the citizens were unhappy; their citizens were not equal. In Dargo, we will make sure the citizens are equal so we can avoid have another conict of orders. As well at that, Rome did extremely good with running a senate and consuls. We will make sure to incorporate this into Dargo's government.

Part II- Code of Laws Having laws in our civilization is extremely important to keep Dargo thriving. If the citizens don't have orderly laws and codes to follow, Dargo will crumble faster than a pastry. For example, if people could steal or murder, their would be poor innocent people and rich cold harder thieves. The civilization could end up with know one left and that would not work at all. The reason we have equal rights for both men and women is because women can be as educated and smart as men and we believe they shouldn't be mistreated. There are no risks of making laws besides the

obvious risk that people could break them, but people won't if we have good punishments. To make a successful civilization we will need to include good laws to keep the civilization safe. It is written that all people shall follow these laws:

I. People who steal shall be put to prison for two years.

II. Anyone who kidnaps or murders any citizen (women and men) will be put to death.

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VI. Only 3 kids per family. When a baby is III. Women/men have equal rights. Anyone who prevents this has time in jail (2 years) born you can not ever sell it into slavery and every child is accepted. (Slaves have to be over 18)

IV. No fates depended on gods. Fair punishments. VII.If you get married, you are to care for your wife until death. (No taking in second wives unless they die) V. If someone hurts or takes off someone else's body parts, theirs will be removed. (An eye for an eye.) If its an accident they will go to court to prove why they are innocent. Our Laws are less dependent on gods then Hammurabi's code. For example, in ancient Rome, some people had unfair chances when crimes were committed, like when someone

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is pleaded guilty they are thrown into a river to determine if they committed the crime. We believe this is foolish and unfair.In dargo, we will have punishments like an eye for an eye; we decided this because it is the most fair. A lot of Hammurabis code and the twelve tables laws end up on death. We believe in this for some cases, like murder or kidnapping. But other cases, like accidents, should always have a fair trial. The laws that we have created will complete our successful civilization with low crimes with fair punishments.

Part III- Political Leadership Lessons from Julius Caesar Julius Caesar is a great example of what to do and what not to do. We believe that he did many things to please plebeians and not for the patricians. In Dargo, we know that pleasing everyone is the best strategy. For example, limiting taxes and reducing slavery had their advantages and disadvantages. Reducing taxes wasn't fair for the patricians, because it only beneted the plebeians. We think we should only limit taxes to the families who can barely afford to put food on their tables. However, reducing slaving was a

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good idea because most everyone was equal. We believe that if everyone is equal Dargo will thrive. A very important thing to do in a civilization is make sure most citizens have work, and everyone has a purpose. He gave work to thousands of Romans by starting projects to make new roads and public buildings. (Julius Caesars Rule as Dictator) That is denitely one of the better things caesar did. One of the biggest mistakes Caesar made was giving his friends important roles in the government; this is denitely something Dargo will not do.

McCullough, Margo Tuesday, December 10, 2013 9:22:34 AM Pacic Standard Time 70:56:81:b0:06:81

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