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Audience- Audience is the people who have financial problems in college and high staff of UALR and University of Arkansas All staff and students of universities in state of arkansas

Why should international students pay more money for universities?

International students have to pay more money than American students to attend college in USA. International students are future of their country and ours they will help America to make their future brighter and they are the one who is paying most money and universities such as UALR running financial wise is through them. International students should be charged the same amount of money as American students pay because to charge one group same money and other group different is a discrimination against international students it might be a discrimination based on nationality. I think they need to change this and follow same rules for each and every student in United States. Having different office for different kind of students is not right and they should have same offices for all students. International students have no rights to get scholarships grant that would help them succeed towards their degree.

I have an international student status which do not let me work or pay less money as a international students I have no rights what so ever to apply for scholarships or work. I have right to study in America as the citizens of this country do. We pay out of state fees which some Americans pay too if they come to different state for example a guy from Tennessee come to Arkansas to study he have to pay out of state fees but he can back up his fees by paying only little amount of money and rest of the money is paid by government because he have maintaining is GPA or know lot of people in Arkansas as his friends. He can work minimum hours and have


extra money saved up for his expenses but out of country student cant work or any sort of income except his home country and only option he can pay his money by getting loan from a bank or his family is paying for all of his expenses. Asking for our own rights in paper is fair because this country already have a set law Equal right amendment for everybody who stays in United States. Weather he is tourist or any other human being coming from wherever on this earth it doesn't matter have equal rights as citizens of this country do. The government is discriminating all out of state students to have their different office and have their different kind of set rules they forget that they made an equal right amendment for each and everybody who is in united states treat equally.

The government is setting rules like you can't work in united states if you have student visa well pay this much tuition fees and not work his family is not rich they are middle class they do not have enough money to support their children. Their families have to take loan from their home country and have to pay for their childrens education which is a fair way to do it but if the government can offer student visa students to work in United States it benefits them and well as students. If they started working in United States students paying taxes to government plus it will help students to pay their tuition fees. If they can to work and they don't want to work it is up to them why are government worrying about their grades that is to them that is their choice and united states is all about freedom why not have this freedom that will help them and help government.

International students in some universities pay lot of money to international students these are some of top universities in Arkansas that pay most money
http://scholarships.uark.edu/1283.php. If University of Arkansas paying thousands of dollars to

Budhwani3 international students in form of scholarships why cant UALR. UALR have people who is donating millions of dollars they can get more company to donate more money. They started giving out money to international students and so more international people, students have good jobs own some big companies now donated to UALR. UALR can help millions of international students tons of money that will help international students at UALR achieve their dreams and have some hope for their future. They can start a new foundation that will help UALR and international students get most donations out of people and start paying international students for universities.

International students have lot of dedication to come to united states and study and so they cant do that because of their financial situations so if UALR started helping them by giving them scholarships or grants I know that why would UALR give international students scholarships they are going to use their talent in their country no they are not your education give them more American way of learn things they will think that united states is better than my country they will move in this country because of the respect that they have gotten from American people. They are going to call their parents over here and turn into L-2 VISA this visa they have to show lot of taxes and own a business in united stated it will help American economic go up. UALR should have scholarships dedicate to international students that have GPA more than 3.0 and cut their tuition fees less.

There are lot of dropping international students that are dropping out financial wise. The funds will help them succeed there are around http://www.usnews.com/education/highschools/articles/2013/06/06/graduation-rates-dropping-among-native-american-students. Around 51% of international students drop out from universities because of financial situation. Half of students go drop out and graduation rate decrease when they drop out of university universities loose around http://chronicle.comarticle/College-Dropouts-Cost/124883/ 9 billion

Budhwani4 dollar of loss if international students drop out from universities. We as international students are the only source to universities to make money but this is not fair making money from international students came here for studies and have their goal set that they will earn a United States degree that doesnt mean that the government of this country should charge them more.

There are lot of ways UALR can help universities like university of Arkansas pays lot to international students help them succeed in life and have better future in life. University of Arkansas started paying thousands of dollars before they started getting donations then some of international people in Arkansas get together a form donation group. I have lot of friends there they all are international students and get scholarship thru International offices to maintain their GPA. All UALR students should have access to same system and scholarships or grant offer in University of Arkansas. This universities are in same states. Why have different Rules? This rules should be the same all international students should be treated equally and be treated same as other students. UALR should have same office for every student that study in United States and have same rules for all universities. University of Arkansas have same system like us but they are giving money to international students and we are not we are letting international students paying full tuition fees without giving any scholarships or grant there are almost half of international undergraduate students drop out from UALR because of financial reasons. They have to change some laws and rules instead of having international offices build through campus. They should have same system in every public university we know that University of Arkansas have more students coming in and out and it will help UALR because when they started giving out money to international students drop out rate for international students will remain low at all time. If international students cant pay their tuition expenses than they have to work but this law do not want us to work.

Budhwani5 UALR is a great universities like any other universities lot of international students come here to study but they are weak on financial side UALR will help this kind of students by maintaining their grade point average like University of Arkansas do they will have less dropout rate and have more students come in and it will help UALR gaining more students. International students try their best in studies their parents send them to maintain highest grades possible.

Work Cited

Guide to Academic Freshman Scholarships." Academic Scholarships at the University of Arkansas. UARK, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2013. Sheeley, Kelsey. "Graduation Rates Dropping among Native Students." US News. U.S.News & World Report, n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2013. Kelderman, Eric. "Collage Dropout Costs Billions to Tax Payers." The Chronicle of Higher Education. N.p., n.d. Web. 18 Oct. 2013.

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