Tallen Resume

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Taylor E.

320 Double Branch Road, Bassett, VA 24055 H: 276-629-940 !: 540-493-2455 teallen"#erru$%edu

Professional Summary
&utreach '(th co$$un(t) e*+er(ence and e*ce+t(onal +eo+le s,(lls% Versed (n one-to-one $entor(n-.tutor(n-, s$all -rou+ (nstruct(on, s+ec(al +ro/ects and co$$un(t) outreach as 'ell as o##(ce $ana-e$ent% Des(res a challen-(n- role ut(l(0(n- $) s,(lls 'h(le 'or,(n- '(th +eo+le and.or co$$un(t)%

Core Qualifications
1eo+le or(entated 2(le.records $a(ntenance !o$+uter s,(lls De+endable Attent(on to deta(l 3u(c, learner

06.20 2 to !urrent Customer Service Assistant 4o'es 5 Roc,) 6t%, VA 7or, +art-t($e (n all as+ects o# the store '(th an e$+has(s on hel+(ncusto$ers% Office Assistant 2erru$ !olle-e 5 2erru$%, VA 7or, (n o##(ce o# the +h)s(cal +lant hel+(n- e$+lo)ees and.or students% % Site Supervisor, Soccer Referee, Art Assistant, Special Projects 2ran,l(n !ount) 1ar,s 8 Recreat(on 5 Roc,) 6t%, VA 7or,ed '(th ch(ldren (n se9eral ca+ac(t(es '(th a-enc) (nclud(n- s(te su+er9(sor: coach(n- soccer: soccer re#eree: 9olunteered #or s+ec(al e9ents throu-hout the )ear (nclud(n- but not l($(ted to ;!o$e Ho$e to 2ran,l(n !ount)< and Annual =nde+endence Da) !elebrat(on: and ass(sted '(th ch(ldren>s art classes throu-hout the )ear% Mentor/Tutor 2ran,l(n !ount) H(-h @chool 5 Roc,) 6t%, VA 6entored.tutored ch(ldren throu-h classes, 9olunteer 'or, and.or clubs% Actor; Crew Member; Ki !ran"ler, #i"$ts; Soun % &o' Office Blue R(d-e D(nner Aheatre 5 2erru$, VA = started '(th BRDA at the a-e o# 6 as an actor% As = -re' older, = 'as $entored b) the +la)'r(-ht and Art(st(c D(rector, Re* @te+henson (n all as+ects o# the theatre unt(l the curta(ns closed (n 20 2%

0 .20

to !urrent

03.2007 to !urrent

0?.2007 to 05.20

06.2000 5 0?.20 2

20 20 5 !urrent 6a/or: @oc(al 7or, 6(nor: !r($(nal Bust(ce 2erru$ !olle-e Ad9anced H(-h @chool D(+lo$a 2ran,l(n !ount) H(-h @chool 5 Roc,) 6t%, VA

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