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Henry Lawson

Henry Lawson was born in New South Wales, in Australia, in 1867. He grew up in the country, before o!ing to Sy"ney when he was 16. He ha" a "ifficult life, partly becaues of alcoholis . Howe!er, he was !ery respecte" poet, an" he was gi!en a state funeral in 1#$%. He &new an" respecte" another Australian poet, 'an(o )aterson, who was a little younger than Lawson. While Lawson*s poe s gi!e a "ar&, blea& i age of the country + the bush + )aterson*s poetry is full of bush heroes. ,he bush is an e ble in Australia. -t is the outbac&, hot an" "ry. -n 18#$, 'an(o )aterson an" Henry Lawson "eci"e" to organise a .poetry "ebate/ in The Bulletin, an Australian literary aga0ine of the ti e. Henry Lawson criticise" the opti istic, heroic picture 'an(o painte" of the 'ush, an" 'an(o in turn criticise" Lawson1s "ar& an" gloo y outloo&.

Banjo Paterson
An"rew 'arton )aterson was born at Nara bla Station, near 2range, New South Wales, the el"est chil" of An"rew 'ogle )aterson an" 3ose -sabella 4nee 'arton5. 6uring his chil"hoo" he was in constant contact with "ro!ers, bushrangers, tea sters an" beca e fa iliar with the country recreations an" feu"s which appear in his wor&. 7any of the e8periences of his youth pro!i"e" aterial for his later writings. He calle" hi self 9'an(o9, after his horse. After conclu"ing his e"ucation )aterson gaine" a position as a cler& in a solicitor1s office an" was a" itte" as a solicitor on $8 August, 1886. While still a law stu"ent he sub itte" the poe .:l 7ah"i to the Australian ,roops/ to the 'ulletin an" on $8 ;ebruary, 188< it beca e his first publishe" poe . -n 18#< )aterson beca e fa ous when his first collection, The Man From Snowy River and Other Verses, was publishe". Within a wee& it sol" out, an" it sol" 1%,%%% copies in its first year. -n :nglan" his wor& was co pare" to that of 3u"yar" =ipling, who was later to beco e )aterson1s fir frien". )aterson*s ost fa ous balla"s are .Walt0ing 7atil"a/ an" 9,he 7an fro Snowy 3i!er9. His reputation atche" Henry Lawson1s, though )aterson beca e ore popular an" ore wi"ely rea", perhaps because where Lawson critically scrutinise" the bush, )aterson celebrate" it along with i"ealising the bush horse an. -n 18#$>#? 'an(o )aterson an" Henry Lawson, in the Bulletin, "ebate" the bucolic aspects of the Australian bush, where Lawson ob(ecte" to )aterson*s gil"e" !iew of bush life.

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