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Au pair Agency in Ireland

An au pair is in cost of being careful of the children. He or she can get food and accommodation offered by the family cost-free, and a small allocation in addition (like pocket money). The family must also permit the au pair their time off. Most of the time, the main purpose for coming to Dublin is To become proficient in !nglish and get e"perience abroad. Ha#e the uni$ue opportunity to li#e the %rish culture and &ay of li#ing first hand During their time off, the au pair is free to do &hatsoe#er she &ants to do learning !nglish at school, being la'y in Dublin or e"plore %reland and tra#el around. Au pair Ireland are not e"pert child minders and &ill not be a certified nanny. Au pairs should not be in charge for children under ( years of age. There are no set conditions to becoming an au pair in Dublin. Ho&e#er, females are generally prefered (there are male au pairs too... but it)s rare) bet&een *+ and ,-, and citi'ens of the !uropean .nion (in order to a#oid #isa problems), e"pertise &ith children is probably to be re$uired and a con#ersational le#el of !nglish. The minimum period is ( months and the au pair cannot stay more than ( years. What the au pair must know /he &ill ha#e to take care of the children and as such speak the language, at least enough to understand and con#erse, be sure they get up on time0 dress them0 make sure they get dressed themsel#es, take them to school1nursery1acti#ity classes..., play &ith them, be in charge of their meals, tidy up their rooms, be free to baby-sit them if needed, sometimes in the e#enings.

What the family has to do The family has to &elcome the au pair by reali'ing that she is not an &orker but a home help for the children. Therefore they &ill make sure the au pair must ha#e her o&n bedroom, the au pair &ill &ork a ma"imum of (2-,- hours per &eek /he should ha#e minimum ( days (( " (3 hours) off during the &eek (ensuring the au-pair has her agreed free time and days off ), that they understand that ha#ing an au pair doesn)t mean ha#ing someone &ho is going to do the house&ork, the dishes....etc. Ho&e#er au pairs may be asked to do some house&ork, especially related to the children,

the family pay an allo&ance (pocket money) each &eek (usually about 4- euros), /ome addresses...%f you &ant to register as an au pair or as a family, you can contact

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