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- 50 .
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), ,
- (decontextualised)
(, , ),

- (problem solving),
- (modeling)

, .
- (
), (
, ,
- (Mathematical Literacy, Alphabetisation
Mathematique Matheracy Literacy Matheracy
- ,
- , ,
, .


, ,
, ,



. Ubiratan D Ambrosio,
, Unesco,
, .
. ,
, ( project)
, (numeracy)

, ,
, .

, ,
ILSS (International Life Skills Survey) OECD
, 2002

, a priori
(numeracy) .

, D Ambrosio.

(, , , )


, ,
, ,





, .

(CIEAEM 53) .



( , , -, , )

(, , , ),
, ,

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15 Fibonacci
.. Leonardo
Fibonacci Liber Abbaci 1202 .

14 15 .
1. ,
6. ,
7. , , ,
10 .

, Jean Dieudonne:
1. -
3. ,
4. ,
6. , , ,
7. ,
8. ,
9. , , ,

20 ,


(1950, ).

(1952, ),


. (1955, )


(1951, )

: (1951, )

(1954, )


(1953, )

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(creativity) (citizenship).

. : (
) .

( )


80 90

, 30 50%
, , %,

, : , ,
. , ,
. , ,
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, , , ,
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(, , , ), ,

(common sense),

, , , .


- (life spheres), , ,
, (citizenship)
- (societal knowledge and competence
domains), , , .


: ( ),
( ),
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( ,
, 2001)

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: , , -
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- Center for Research in Learning Mathematics, Publications no 30 and 31, Copenhagen, Denmark,
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- ALM (Adults Learning Mathematics a research forum). ALM Proccedings: Wedege 1997; Wedege
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- IALS: International Adult Literacy Survey
- TIMSS: Third International Mathematics and Science Study
- Johnston B. Critical Numeracy, FinePrint Vol. 16, No 4, 1994, VALBEC, Melbourne
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