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Arts Education Cover Sheet

Teacher Candidate Title of Exemplar Portfolio Category ACEI Standard

Rachel Mullen Arts Education I x II III IV V

Cohort #



ACEI Standard Element(s) A2.5 The arts Candidates know, understand, and useas appropriate to their own understanding and skillsthe content, functions, and achievements of the performing arts (dance, music, theater) and the visual arts as primary media for communication, inquiry, and engagement among elementary students. Semester 1. Fall 2013 Date December 9th, 2013

Description of exemplar and how it demonstrates meeting this ACEI Standard and Element(s). This exemplar was a website that I created that demonstrated my knowledge of visual arts in education. It has information about who I am as an artist, examples of my art integrated lessons, my opinions on integrating arts, art projects, and art resources to help me as a teacher who wants to integrate the arts. This exemplar demonstrates meeting this ACEI Standard because it shows all my knowledge, understanding, and use of visual arts integration.


Reflection on my professional growth in knowledge, skills, and dispositions related to this ACEI Standard and Element(s). My knowledge of visual arts integration grew significantly throughout the creation of this exemplar. This website was designed specifically for a class call Integrating Arts into the Curriculum. I was able to learn how to integrate arts, why you would want to integrate the arts, and all about the resources that are available to help teachers integrate the arts. I was able to develop my skills in creating arts integrated lessons though this class and this website. I had to create and teach three different lessons that were all integrated with the arts and with another subject. I made one lesson that was arts integrated with history, another that was art integrated with science/math, and another the was art integrated with just math. All three of these lessons challenged me to take content that wasnt very exciting, and turn it into a fun and engaging arts integrated lesson. My disposition related to arts integration devolved significantly more throughout my completion of this exemplar. Before, I knew that I wanted to integrate the arts into my classroom, but now I really understand how useful and important it is. For students with behavioral needs or special education services, integrating the arts can make a

previously uninteresting subject turn in to something engaging and exciting. Additionally, it encourages are students to be creative and think outside the box, which is something that I think is commonly forgotten in the classroom.

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