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Savannah Miller Honors English 12 Date: 11/15/13

Diseases in Africa
Article 1 A disease is an abnormal condition that affects the body of an organism. Diseases prevent the normal function of your body. In the article titled "Diseases" lists and describes the types of diseases that are transmitted by insects, through food and water, and through intimate contact in the continent of Africa. The diseases that are transmitted by insects are Malaria, Yellow Fever, and Dengue fever. Malaria is commonly noticed in Botswana, Namibia, Swaziland, and Zimbabwe. There is a way for travelers to prevent this disease by carrying Mefloquine. This medicine should be taken one week before hand, weekly while in the area, and 3 weeks after you have left. One way to prevent Yellow Fever is to take a vaccination and one central country in Africa has been required to take this shot with a certificate to prove it. For these diseases, it is highly recommended to be aware of mosquito bites because that is the source to these illnesses.

Article 2 In the NPRs article titled Aids, other diseases create poverty trap in Africa, by Jason Beaubien talks about the seriousness of Aids filling the country with the incurable sickness and leading to an even more poverty stricken country. According to the United Nations, it estimates to be about 2 million Africans that have died each year of aids and about 24 million that have been with HIV. There have also been cases of people with malaria, cholera, and polio coming to a high of many diseases that have impacted the social and economic development on one of the poorest countries in the world. Swaziland has been recorded the highest HIV rate in the entire world. In some prenatal care clinics, there have been more than half of the women being HIV positive. There are different stories about how it affects family members that are very productive in bringing food to childrens mouth. When they pass, there was no other choice but for 66 year old Shote Maseko to take in his grandchildren. The eldest daughters have passed by having aids and there are the 8 children of less than 3 years of age left. No other family members will take them in because when the grandparents pass, they will be left with the children. Although he says, "We are so worried, and it is our prayer to God that we live long enough to see these children grow up so they are able to help themselves. This shows how many children it has affected and how many families it has deduced.

Reflection I believe that the diseases that the Africans have to go through, have been affecting them in the worst way possible. Africa is considered the richest country in resources, although they are the most poverty stricken country as well. Aids have been impacting the peoples lives in many different ways. It has caused parents to die and the children being left with no guardians. It has killed about 2 million Africans each year. There is no cure for this disease, although it is a sexually transmitted disease which is why it has affected so many people. I learned that there is more than one disease caused by mosquito bites in Africa. I was surprised to know that from one mosquito bites, there could be a possibility of having Dengue and Yellow fever. Malaria is also an insect transmitted disease. Gladly there is a medication for travelers called Mefloquine that prevents Malaria when in the area. Also being covered can prevent the bite of mosquitos so there is no chance of getting one of those diseases. I find this subject very interesting, because there are many diseases that have affected a large amount of people in Africa that its outrageous. I love learning the types of diseases because I want to research even more on how it affects the body. Although seeing all the harm these diseases can cause children and adults are saddening. I hope that one day; there can be a cure to aids, because of how many lives it can take in one year. I found this experience of research very interesting to know and learn about.

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