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Part 1 [35 minutes] 1. Read The Earth Dragon Awakes, two articles on earthquakes, and view the earthquake video [Link . Take notes !ecause "ou #a" want to re$er to "our notes while writing. Answer the given questions. The" will hel% "ou think a!out the sources "ou&ve read, which should hel% "ou write "our in$or#ative article. 'ou can re$er !ack to the sources when "ou think it would !e hel%$ul. Questions:

(hat is an earthquake) *ow are earthquakes $or#ed) (here do earthquakes occur)

Part 2 [70 minutes] 1. +lan "our writing. ,. (rite "our in$or#ative article. 'ou #a" use "our notes and re$er to the sources as "ou write. -. Revise and edit the $inal dra$t o$ "our in$or#ative article. Assignment: 'ou are researching natural disasters. (rite an article .- %aragra%hs/ $or "our class newsletter in which "ou e0%lain what causes earthquakes, where the" ha%%en, and what it #ight !e like to !e in an earthquake. 'our article will !e read !" other students, teachers, and %arents. 1ake sure to have a #ain idea, clearl" organi2e "our article, and su%%ort "our #ain idea with details $ro# the sources using "our own words. Review the attached ru!ric to see how "our writing will !e scored.


The writing is clear, well develo%ed, and $ull o$ i#%ortant, intriguing details. Adequatel" de#onstrates an understanding o$ the to%ic4te0t The #ain idea o$ a to%ic is $ocused, clearl" stated, and #ostl" #aintained 5ses relevant and su$$icient te0t su%%ort4evidence $ro# credi!le resources with accurac" Develo%s the to%ic with $acts, de$initions, concrete details, quotations, or other in$or#ation and e0a#%les The order and structure o$ the %iece are co#%elling and guide the reader %ur%ose$ull" through the te0t. Adequate introduction with clear thesis, structured !od", and conclusion Logical %rogression o$ ideas $ro# !eginning to end Adequatel" uses a variet" o$ transitional words and %hrases to clari$" relationshi%s !etween and a#ong ideas The writer&s %assion $or the to%ic drives the writing, #aking the te0t convincing, e0%ressive, and engaging. The tone and $lavor o$ the %iece are convincing to the to%ic, %ur%ose, and audience The writer is involved in the to%ic #aking the writing co#%elling and engaging The writer connects with the reader using natural, engaging language +recise, vivid natural language %aints a strong, clear, and co#%lete %icture in the reader&s #ind. 5tili2es strong and grade9level a%%ro%riate word choice that will #ake the #essage clear and convincing :trong ver!s, sensor" words, and %recise nouns are used to #ake the #essage clear and #e#ora!le 5ses acade#ic and do#ain9s%eci$ic voca!ular" a%%ro%riate $or the audience and %ur%ose The write shows adequate control over a wide range o$ age9a%%ro%riate conventions, and uses the# accuratel" to enhance #eaning. Adequate and consistent use o$; <rade9level s%elling E0ternal %unctuation .. and = and )/ 8a%itali2ation <ra##ar and usage 3ndenting and s%acing

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